its bluddie ridiculous , im cross

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I think - if the law says give them the vote, then give it to them - it's no bloody use to them anyway, never does any of is on the outside any good, does it? I have never seen any political manifesto that included a 'be nice to murderers day' so what would they get out of it? Answer - nothing.

as for the compo, a big 'NO WAY' - so now it is legal to use veg oil without paying tax - should we give compo to all those who were done for it before the law changed?

Think of all the laws that have changed over the years, we don't have retrospective prosecutions for anything, do we?
eu law over rules uk lawso it is the law!

Not always, in a test case it CAN take primacy. We are still a sovereign state.

EU law was enshrined to protect the wider population. It meant you could expect the same treatment wherever you went. It was not meant to replace practical and reasonable laws in participating states.

Hence the challenge and the fact that our no vote law has to date been up held:thumb2
Point is, the law doesnt say give em the vote.

Not UK law.

'IF' it's a big little word mate:augie and it is now pretty much a forgone conclusion :thumb2

OK then look at it this way - i vote, give them the vote, that is about as meaningful as any vote any prisoner will ever cast!

Giving them compo for this is ridiculous, could all women who were paid less than men (in the same job) before the law changed get compensated for that? -Answer : NO

Or all the drunk drivers who were told to go home and sleep it off, before that law changed, were they rounded up and prosecuted after wards? - NO

the list goes on - if we must let them vote (and i believe it would do no real harm) let them. There should be limits on this, and even make their vote count in their home constituency only, to save wards with large prisons in their midst being swamped by prisoner votes. BUT NO COMPO!

But as always - how true is the story we are discussing :nenau
i think labour signed it onto the statute books therefore it overules uk sovereign law,this test case has come about becuase politicians have realised it makes them look bad,but thats what they get for not thinking things through properely!
i think labour signed it onto the statute books therefore it overules uk sovereign law,this test case has come about becuase politicians have realised it makes them look bad,but thats what they get for not thinking things through properely!

Theyre going to get it anyway as Plank says :nenau

There is a longg longggg process involved in enforcing European over sovereign state law.
ponds and ounces they get it betya a straight bannana they do! and imagine being an mp for redditch where theres nigh on 2000 cons with a vote or wolverhampton again maybe 2000 cons and normal turnout is low one eye catching policy for cons and bang your elected!
I got a parking ticket once, close to our local 'nick'

now, thanks to the EDL demos they have new riot vans, too big for the car park. SO they have lifted the double yellows and painted an white dash outlined parking bay for them in the street - where i got the ticket

it's been a few years - but can i now claim compo? :augie
I got a parking ticket once, close to our local 'nick'

now, thanks to the EDL demos they have new riot vans, too big for the car park. SO they have lifted the double yellows and painted an white dash outlined parking bay for them in the street - where i got the ticket

it's been a few years - but can i now claim compo? :augie

Unlikely ;) but you didnt need me to tell you that.

We do an op now and then on the A19, emergency layby has double yellows. HA or whoever suspends them for the duration .............. that creates some good questions from the public :lol:lol:lol:lol
wow, a hole in the fabric of the space/time continuum....:eek:


no I was simply oberving that this thread appeared for a moment to have reverted to its original the **** did that happen?:eek:

standards are slipping.....:doh
no because you broke the law that aplied at time,the police have obviously aplied to council and had road reclassified,now if you park there your car will be towed as being a terroist threat (or even a health hazard lol) our local police have knocked down the old court and built a justice centre to save money,the court,probation,register of births,job centre youth service all used to be in the same place as it is now only difference being theyve closed the crown at warwick after speng £10mill on repairs and moved it to leamington lol
no I was simply oberving that this thread appeared for a moment to have reverted to its original the **** did that happen?:eek:

standards are slipping.....:doh

I stand corrected.......right , hijack.......... clear throat............

Cant believe they want to measure how straight bananas are before they sell them , Im outraged :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::banghead
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