i got done a few years back, driving my other halfs flipping renault 5 too fast (so used to the V6 mazda, i was drivign too fast thinking it wasnt going that fast!) anyway, Road Traffic clocked me and pulled me for it, got a rollocking, and offered the speed awareness course. It was £90, no points, and you HAD to complete several questionaires during a set time period, otherwise you were in trouble.
Anyway, i took the course because i had worked hard at keeping my licence clean afetr clearing the last lot of points, and i still do work hard (mistakes are easily made pete). The course was OK, but it was pretty much there to shame you all and talk down to you (although they did provide lunch, which was my focus). the exciting part was going out in a group for a drive! this was awesome, the instructorteaches you stuff, critisices you and is positive also. the other members are asked to do the same, so i was told by the other two they thought i drove too fast and didnt signal correctly, funny thing was the instructor disagreed with them! Instructor said i was a good driver, apart from I drove too fast both in terms of acceleration and speed. At the end of it, you get an assesment, and i got "goodmarks", his comments were "actually youre a good driver, very aware of whats around you just watch that speed" so i was quite pleased because id learned something, learned my lesson, and kept my licence clean (and got a free lunch)
I dont think you can choose the course however, its discretional i believe, based on how full the local centre is etc etc, I got lucky because the scheme had just started in my area....