But on a more serious note, this whole scenario is a total scam, it is nothing more than a media scare which has gone viral and every man woman and their dog is running scarred from it, if this had not been seized upon by the media it would just have been a normal winter with hundreds of thousands dying as they do every year, largely of course the elderly and others more vulnerable, it is just the same with climate change or global warming as they like to call it, the prats that are causing the panic can only see a very small part of the spectrum of the worlds life, why do they not see that climate change is an ongoing thing that we cannot change one little bit, it has forces far beyond our capability aside from perhaps a few thousand nuclear big time bombs, well I will tell you why, it is to scam us out of every penny they can extract, carbon neutral taxes and anything else they can think of, glad I live my way of life and feel sorry for most others, Rick