Corona virus

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well on a lighter note.
There seems to be a lot of debate as to just how deadly this Coronavirus is. Well think about this for a minute.

I went to a funeral on Monday, I noticed that the fonts at the back of the church had no Holy Water in them. At first I thought it was due to cut backs so I asked “why is there no holy water” l was told that the holy water fonts are a breeding ground for the Coronavirus.
Now for those of you that don’t know, holy water kills vampires and burns the **** out of the Devil.
This virus shags in the fckig stuff

Porton Down now helping with search for vaccine.

It appears the world race for a Covid 19 vaccine is pretty advanced. I suspect that like the mapping of the Human Genome that the task now it has been identified genetically will be to have research split between different countries thus avoiding duplication of effort & finding a vaccine quicker.

Probably the final stage of research will not be shared so one country / company makes a shed load of money when they get the vaccine into production first.
Biggest load of bollocks I have ever heard, there is only one way to kill this and that is to stop absolutely all human contact at all, well just think about that, and you will realize that just cannot happen, so all the time we all go shopping we are spreading it and you cannot stop that, so we should just carry on as normal knowing that thousands will die, but this happens every year anyway so why is this virus so different, well OK it is more severe so more will die, but you cannot stop it, but now we have put the whole country into lock down which will cost billions and will be a mill stone round our neck for many years to come, plus other side effects, I was told about a mates daughter today tried to take her life because she is a hairdresser and lost her income and could not cope, it goes on and on, me I will carry on and do what I want when I want, thinking to go to sea front tomorrow and drive onto beach and get stuck then do some winching, Rick
As of now, people must stay at home except for shopping for basic necessities, daily exercise, medical or care need, and travelling to and from work where "absolutely necessary".

Baked beans and ammunition.
So, its happened, we have been grounded :lol with threat of action by the police, what's everyone's opinion?

Not much we can really do about it.
I'm still off to work shortly as normal until further notice.
Got plenty to do at home to keep me busy if things change on that front.
Not one for going out to pubs and clubs and hate shopping so unaffected in that sense.
All we can do is ride it out and hope the older and high risk groups make it through ok.
Yes the economy will suffer and it's going to be hard financially for working folk to make ends meet but that's out of my hands.
Money and social activities shouldn't come before the preservation of human life.
We all have the can't tell me what to do rebellious side in us but it's time to suppress that train of thought for a few weeks and put our grown up pants on.
Yes it won't kill the virus,nothing at this time will and it's going to run it's course but if I can prevent my friends and family from getting it then I will do my bit.
Well said elty, you made some good points.

Unfortunately we are going to be saddled with paying for this for years to come. Hopefully the decision makers in government will learn lessons from this.

I am appalled at people’s selfishness because they can’t watch football or whatever. In Manchester at the weekend, thieves broke in and stole bottled oxygen from a hospital. I am so pleased with the government for finally growing a pair and effectively putting everyone under house arrest, it’s so badly needed to fight this. The scenes at the weekend were terrible showing people at such busy spots.

One headline that I have seen sums it up nicely “our grandparents were told to fight when they went to war, we are being asked to stay at home and watch telly” sums it up nicely.

Hope everyone stays well and we all are still free to have an opinion.
i suppose it had to happen and he could have been horder.
i am in the vunrable group so when this started i put myself away.
i had a pacemaker test check booked for yesterday,all doctors appointments for me have been cancelled but they will phone nearer the date they said,i had not had any contact about the pacemaker so first time in nearly 3 weeks i went to the hospital,got there sanitised and went to where i should go.
door closed but someone came opened it and let me in,only to be told its cancelled,i said ive not been informed,it seems they wernt either untill they got ther yesterday, as the tecknition was there as usual and they did not know its cancelled.we will rebook they said.even if i phoned up i would have been told it on as they did not know.bit poor if you ask me but they are under high pressure.
so as i was out i needed sum topups and went to morrisons as its on way home,bloody hell i got the 6 items i needed,including a 4pk bog roll,reduced fresh fish that i could put in freezer and went to pay.well that took for ever as all long qu.
no keep apart was able ther so i now have been mixing with god knos what and bang goes my long isolation.
now looked at diary and got another hospital on 7th.
my daughter is a district nurse out meeting whoever and dealing with there needs and her partner is a parramedic so both out on the front line.
The reason for isolation is not to stop the virus, that's not possible, it's to slow the virus so the NHS doesn't get too many cases at once, drip feeding the NHS cases rather than just leaving the tap open!
Bexhill looked like a normal Sunday today, shopped in Lydil's popped into town to draw some cash, popped into the chippy and had a savaloy then off to Pevensey for some derv, £108.7 Petrol £102.7, lots people about, had a look at the beech on Herbrand walk (accessible from the road) but not suitable for 4 x 4 playing so gave that a miss, will need to find someplace else to play,
!0 pm news today 24th March 2020

A field hospital in London for 4,000 patients this is getting scary now - a Curfew in London might be next. I'm staying put Wendy is driving herself to work & picking up my meds from Tesco on the way home.

Some of us on this Forum will get the virus sadly we might loose some members but not because they have bought a Jeep or Land Rover.

There are some inconsiderate folk out there and the're not all youngsters or thickos. They must think they are invincible and that no one they care about will die - they must have been born without a conscience.
So here is the latest, Trump is talking of getting back to normal because if they do not the country will suffer too heavily financially, so around 800 have died so far in the US but he says if we go into recession thousands will die due to suicide, what the eff have I been saying from the start, and even later news Germany is considering similar action, I rest my case, Rick
So here is the latest, Trump is talking of getting back to normal because if they do not the country will suffer too heavily financially, so around 800 have died so far in the US but he says if we go into recession thousands will die due to suicide, what the eff have I been saying from the start, and even later news Germany is considering similar action, I rest my case, Rick

I wouldn't be backing Trump, Rick. He certifiably bonkers. :freak3:
Trump is an utter toss pot.
Obviously money comes before human life.
It's about time someone assassinated the t**t
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