Corona virus

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Well I have to disagree regarding this current virus.

There is no government on the planet that would risk their economies by taking such drastic draconian actions that has been taken not just ours but governments around most of the world. I don’t get why all these draconian measures would be taken as part of a scam.
Over 3,500 people have died in Italy alone, that more than China. How can that be a scam?
I have no idea where the virus actually came from whether it is poor hygiene in Wuhan or even a biological weapon that has escaped in Wuhan. At this moment it really doesn’t matter, what matters is bringing the virus under control and then slowly releasing the draconian strangle hold over life and the economies and regain some form of normality. It is likely to rear its ugly head again after this current outbreak has ended.
Well I have to disagree regarding this current virus.

There is no government on the planet that would risk their economies by taking such drastic draconian actions that has been taken not just ours but governments around most of the world. I don’t get why all these draconian measures would be taken as part of a scam.
Over 3,500 people have died in Italy alone, that more than China. How can that be a scam?
I have no idea where the virus actually came from whether it is poor hygiene in Wuhan or even a biological weapon that has escaped in Wuhan. At this moment it really doesn’t matter, what matters is bringing the virus under control and then slowly releasing the draconian strangle hold over life and the economies and regain some form of normality. It is likely to rear its ugly head again after this current outbreak has ended.

I agree... The reasoning behind it is to reduce the strain on the NHS, by stopping too many people all getting ill at the same time and swamping the system. If this saves peoples lives, like Jim's, my Suz's, my 92 year old Step dad, and selfishly, even though I don't feel particularly High Risk, me, then I think we all have an obligation to do our bit, act responsibly, and hope for the best. Every day we can delay people catching it, is a day closer to them hopefully finding a vaccine as well. This is one of those times when you should not be thinking about "Yourself", you should be thinking about how your actions are risking other peoples lives. Just because you are healthy as an Ox and I really hope you can get through it without any problems, there are a huge number of people that we all know, who are not in the same boat.
We remain quite unaffected here, Jacob and his sister will be going to school as usual, we have toilet roll and food and I am going to work as usual.
I reckon the situation is being blown out of proportion a bit, not helped by sensational press articles and internet "experts."
It cannot really be controlled, it will spread over the entire country, even Yorkshire, what the government is trying to do is slow it so infrastructure and services aren't completely overwhelmed suddenly.
Yep so just says to prove carry on as normal and it will kill itself out without all the shit that the powers to be extol on us, Rick
Has anyone seen the story about the Italian hospital that is overwhelmed by the amount of seriously ill people, incidentally the people who are now seriously ill are getting younger in their 30s and 40s.
It is a terrible situation and in Italy the amount of fatalities has out grown China’s and I don’t think you have to be a genius to know that Italy has a smaller population than China.
I have a friend that is a doctor and she has used the term “terrifying” to me last night regarding this horrible situation.

All I can say is good luck to everyone and stay safe.
Has anyone seen the story about the Italian hospital that is overwhelmed by the amount of seriously ill people, incidentally the people who are now seriously ill are getting younger in their 30s and 40s.
It is a terrible situation and in Italy the amount of fatalities has out grown China’s and I don’t think you have to be a genius to know that Italy has a smaller population than China.
I have a friend that is a doctor and she has used the term “terrifying” to me last night regarding this horrible situation.

All I can say is good luck to everyone and stay safe.
When do we get a "like" button?
Take care of yourself Jim.
It's just madness out there.
As usual common sense gets thrown out of the window and people start over reacting.
I'm not saying we should be ignorant to what's going on but be realistic.
Afraid this virus is going to run it's course and be around for a while.
My wife is in the higher risk of infection bracket as she take immune system suppression drugs for systemic lupus.
While be are both concerned she could be at risk we are not locking ourselves away and panic buying 1000 bog rolls.
Like Jim says stay safe and sensible out there:thumb2
Elty you’re so right about being sensible. The panic buying is just stupid. The behaviour of people is awful.

I saw something the other day that made me feel physically sick.
I nipped to Aldi to grab a few bits for my mum and there was a fat chavvy woman loading her trolly with loaves of bread.
An oldish woman was next to her and she reached out to grab a loaf bread and they touched the last one on the shelf at the same time.
The Chav just glared at her and said that's mine,took the bread and walked off.
Nothing I could do as I couldn't get any bread either but another shopper reached in his trolly and gave her one of his.
I'm not usually an emotional person but that really did put a lump in my throat.
Some folks just don't have any respect.
I'd be interested to know the average age of the people dying from Corona in Italy. Italy has a massive elderly population, much higher than most other countries, so if Corona is very deadly to the elderly the death count is going to be higher. Japan also has a big elderly population, I don't know if Japan has been affected yet.
I'd be interested to know the average age of the people dying from Corona in Italy. Italy has a massive elderly population, much higher than most other countries, so if Corona is very deadly to the elderly the death count is going to be higher. Japan also has a big elderly population, I don't know if Japan has been affected yet.

It's these details that the media tends to forget to mention.
Also never a mention of how many people they estimate to have had the Virus and recovered .
If you look on the website I posted, you can then click on a country, and it gives you all those specifics.

I did the UK and its predominantly over 80's, but I was surprised how high diabetic deaths were.

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The Genetic Code show it is not man made - Fake News

My youngest stepson is currently showing symptoms, also two others from his office one of whom is his boss he sits next to and the office is now shut. I am in no doubt this is a man made designer virus and let out deliberately, makes you wonder what else is hidden away around the world much less in this country.

I have been against communal touch screens and keypads for years, now we have them in hospitals and Doctors surgeries. Free peanuts on the bar are safer!

You are being taken in mate.
Endanger species under the counter trade !

Well I have to disagree regarding this current virus.

There is no government on the planet that would risk their economies by taking such drastic draconian actions that has been taken not just ours but governments around most of the world. I don’t get why all these draconian measures would be taken as part of a scam.
Over 3,500 people have died in Italy alone, that more than China. How can that be a scam?
I have no idea where the virus actually came from whether it is poor hygiene in Wuhan or even a biological weapon that has escaped in Wuhan. At this moment it really doesn’t matter, what matters is bringing the virus under control and then slowly releasing the draconian strangle hold over life and the economies and regain some form of normality. It is likely to rear its ugly head again after this current outbreak has ended.

There is plenty of published research date showing the type of data & where it originated from. Also as regard the world statistics some need to be taken with a pinch of salt especially from some of the Communist block countries.
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And some younger victims have been very ill.

If you look on the website I posted, you can then click on a country, and it gives you all those specifics.

I did the UK and its predominantly over 80's, but I was surprised how high diabetic deaths were.

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

There have been quite a few press accounts of younger very healthy folk in the UK who have recovered but have been seriously ill in Hospital these are the folk that will need ventilators as well as the elderly.

There have been confirmed cases of Patients where the wife works including now the partners of staff - these are confirmed cases not people self isolating.

Our fear is that Wendy could catch it at work due to her high exposure risk and pass it on to me - this is fact not media hype. She wears gloves at work plus sanitiser. Next Tuesday they will have the full kit delivered for PPE. The practice consists of two surgeries one is being designate as "Dirty" the other as "Clean" to try to minimise risk for the Doctors, Nurses & staff.

This is deadly serious stuff the Peak they have been told at work will be Easter Weekend provided the new measures are adhered to. There is no doubt that UK deaths will start to climb significantly between now and then. I am pretty much self isolated even though I have no symptoms. Wendy was due to retire at the end of May they have already asked her to reconsider to help out.
I really feel for the front liners, like doctors and especially the nurses who have to actually spend time exposed to it, and then return home to loved ones, risking their own family.

I just read a tweet from a young girl who's tweets up to a few days ago, mainly consisted of how terrible it is we are having our human rights limited. Then her grandad died because of it. As you can imagine, she has somewhat changed her tune, shame it was too late.

Stay well mate, you are in a very scary position at the moment, and it's all out of your control.

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Well I prefer to believe what my friend the Registrar at a hospital tells me, trust her far more than most.
Anyway I’ve decided that being bored and stuck at home it is a good time to cut holes in the side of my van :thumbs
well on a lighter note.
There seems to be a lot of debate as to just how deadly this Coronavirus is. Well think about this for a minute.

I went to a funeral on Monday, I noticed that the fonts at the back of the church had no Holy Water in them. At first I thought it was due to cut backs so I asked “why is there no holy water” l was told that the holy water fonts are a breeding ground for the Coronavirus.
Now for those of you that don’t know, holy water kills vampires and burns the **** out of the Devil.
This virus shags in the fckig stuff
well on a lighter note.
There seems to be a lot of debate as to just how deadly this Coronavirus is. Well think about this for a minute.

I went to a funeral on Monday, I noticed that the fonts at the back of the church had no Holy Water in them. At first I thought it was due to cut backs so I asked “why is there no holy water” l was told that the holy water fonts are a breeding ground for the Coronavirus.
Now for those of you that don’t know, holy water kills vampires and burns the **** out of the Devil.
This virus shags in the fckig stuff

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