Corona virus

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I think you have all lost the point, somehow this has got out of all proportion to common sense, so you are all saying stop the virus and kill the country and world economics, this virus will run its course no matter what we do so lets get on with life, I know I will be unpopular with this statement but it is a fact of life that if we carry on as we are we will kill more people than the virus ever could, we work to live, no work we die, Rick
I think you have all lost the point, somehow this has got out of all proportion to common sense, so you are all saying stop the virus and kill the country and world economics, this virus will run its course no matter what we do so lets get on with life, I know I will be unpopular with this statement but it is a fact of life that if we carry on as we are we will kill more people than the virus ever could, we work to live, no work we die, Rick

Nobody is trying to stop the virus,we don't have the means or power.
Slowing Down the spread is what these measures are about.
Yes the economy is taking a hit and it would regardless because of the high infection rate causing more people to be off sick at once.
I'm still actively working but being sensible about it.
We all have strong feelings on this subject obviously and mine are always going to be human life over money.
If we lose money there's always the chance to get it back.
Sadly the same can't be said for all the poor folks who have lost loved ones.
Are we protecting the rich again as with the banking crisis?

You could be cynical and say as most of the very rich people are in the last quarter of their life the present response is about protecting the elderly. So it's biased in favour of the wealthy. lol
Lucky you can still work Elt, I cannot as the merchants are delivery only and I am seen as low priority, so basically cannot get supplies, I agree with you re money versus lives but it is far from that simple, we are now in a situation where when this is over the last ten years of austerity will look like a walk in the park compared to what we will have to deal with, plus and this is more to the point, thousand will lose their jobs,income and houses, as a follow on to that many will not be able to cope and end it all, South Korea on the other hand has kept going and beaten the virus so they have not ruined themselves financially, Sweden is another example, Rick
Rick South Korea's success in dealing with it has nothing to do with them "keeping going" :doh

It has EVERYTHING to do with the fact they had a bad time of it 5 years ago with the MERS outbreak and got a lot of criticism so they already had procedures and infrastructure in place to react quickly when coronavirus appeared. Also, because of MERS, their population already knew the importance of taking these things seriously and so were far more likely to wash their hands, stay at home and get tested.
I fully appreciate that Rob and also the fact that they are a very different culture to us, what I am trying to say is that as a country we have just laid back and done nothing of any significance to arrest the spread of this thing that by all accounts came into this country in mid Jan near me, Rick
Lucky you can still work Elt, I cannot as the merchants are delivery only and I am seen as low priority, so basically cannot get supplies, I agree with you re money versus lives but it is far from that simple, we are now in a situation where when this is over the last ten years of austerity will look like a walk in the park compared to what we will have to deal with, plus and this is more to the point, thousand will lose their jobs,income and houses, as a follow on to that many will not be able to cope and end it all, South Korea on the other hand has kept going and beaten the virus so they have not ruined themselves financially, Sweden is another example, Rick
Sweden and South Korea are at two very different stages of the curve. South Korea has been through the test and quarantine scenario, while Sweden has made the same mistake as us by not doing anything and will a) follow our curve and b) are about to go into total lockdown.
If you can demonstrate that you are not carrying the virus, then, like the South Koreans, then you should be able to continue as normal. But you can't demonstrate and over 30% of positives have been shown to carry no symptoms. So it's probably good that you don't go to travis Perkins to pass the virus to staff, who in turn pass it on to other customers.... That's how the virus speads and we want to control it so we can get back to normal, don't we?
South Korea has shown us the way forward and our Govt has been reckless in not testing. They have already said that herd immunity is what they wanted, and by not testing that is what they are doing. Just look at the ambiguiy of their advise... There isn't any.
The Govt is now asking companies to design and produce ventilators when we have companies who already manufacture the things. Wouldn't the simpest, quickest and cheaperst solution be to aslk them to licence out the design to other manufacturers fi they didn't have capacity?
Any hardships are being put upon us by the wealthy like Tim Martin, Gordon Ramsay and Phil Green who are firing people without furloughing them. They are the problem, not the virus.
The gig economy is a part of the problem, we are the only EU country with zero hours contracts.
I'm more than happy to stay in for a few weeks to stay healthy and not be a part of the spreading.
The stavation of funds by the Govt to the NHS has had a huge effect, apparently the money was always there.
In regard to the borrowing of money, I understand that the war loans were finally paid off in 2004, we won't notice the repayments from coronavirus.

I'm more than happy to isolate as I don't want the virus nor do I want to spread it.
Stay safe
:grouphug no grouphug
Simon you are right and of course there will be a large debt to pay back some home and Rick could very well be right that the economic crash ten years or so ago is nothing compared with what we will be faced with. The one thing we can take from this is that the measures taken although not in a timely manner were and still are needed. I think we are going to be stuck in limbo like this for more than the three weeks, they’ll review it and quite rightly say nope we are not at the peak yet so carry on watching tv.
As for governments being slow off the mark, personally I think they were in disbelief that this was happening having never dealt with this kind of thing before and also clutching at straws desperately trying not to have such draconian measures that we now have. Given hindsight Bojo would of handled the situation differently but hindsight is a wonderful thing. Hopefully lessons will be learned from this.
So we missed the boat on the EU bulk ordering of equipment, well I wonder why that was. The phrase you’ve made your bed now lay in it springs to mind. The joys and freedoms of being an independent company.
The friend of mine that’s a doctor, she’s like many others in the NHS fearful of what we still have to come.
Personally I’m fearful of the pricks that still haven’t got the picture and there’s a hell of a lot out there.

Stay Safe Everyone
The Army are building a field hospital in the NEC, should help relieve some of the NHS load.
I was of course referring to the massif £330 billion that we have spent on this shit, in 68/69 the Hong Kong flue epidemic claimed 80,000 lives and we did not bat an eyelid and just carried on what more can I say other than my great grand kids will probably be around 30 before we get back to what we had before lock down, Rick
If my history knowledge serves me correct then I'm sure the Hong kong flu killed around one million people worldwide :nenau
80,000 where American's.
Whatever it still does not justify the lock down that is ruining this country, and indeed the rest of the world, Rick
Whatever it still does not justify the lock down that is ruining this country, and indeed the rest of the world, Rick

Never said it did,just merely pointing out a fact.
Afraid the current situation is what it is and we have all just got to deal with it.
I really do not give a damn, I gota good life off grid and isolated from all this shit, Rick
Rick you keep saying this yet, are the only one dragging it back to the top of the forum every night.

We've just cremated my Nan from it and my life feels upside down with her loss, if anyone wants to go back to normal it's me.

Can we talk Terry's or Patrols like we used to :(
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Rick you keep saying this yet, are they only one dragging it back to the top of the forum every night.

We've just cremated my Nan from it and my life feels upside down with her loss, if anyone wants to go back to normal it's me.

Can we talk Terry's or Patrols like we used to :(

Condolences mate.
Sad and uncertain times,thats for sure.
Yes Nissan projects,problems and general chat are what i come here for:thumb2
just read clarksons bit in the sun from sat,he seems to look at it like rick,grew up with bugs and crap so he feels we are now to sheltered from bugs and wont be imune to it.
I feel for you Zac and understand it is a great personal loss, but we do need to look at the bigger picture, this lock down should never have happened, it is pure folly, the Hong Kong flue took 80,000 lives and as I said before no one batted an eyelid, no lock down we just carried on and accepted it, but I also accept that this is a 4 X 4 place so will shut this thread down as do not want to cause friction, regards Rick
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