Cooking Oil

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im digging up the garden and planting rape seed!

Every time i pass my local supermarket i pop in for 12L of rape, 6 for me 6 for the wife as the mega cheap stuff is 6L per person per visit only.

I had a barrell of sunflower oil in garage and it went thick and in my humble opinion i wouldn't dare try putting that thru the old girl, as a famous scots man says i don't think she can take it!

Hi chaps,
Before I got my Maverick this week, I spent a lot of time on a Mitsubishi Delica forum, as I was going to get one. Anyway on their SVO thread a lot of there guys use 60% veg to 40% diesel or 50 50, and only corn of rapeseed oil. Other types have natural elements that aren't good for the engine, they also fill up with svo first then diesel so the forecourt pump power mixes the two.

I must state that this is not a recommendation but for your interest only, how ever I will try it myself soon.

Tony :?
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can't we invent some tank heater so we can keep the oil in the tank the correct viscosity then we can run 100% cooking oil. :smile:

I know of pipe frost protection (240v) which heats the pipe and is flexible but its expensive and over kill for this job in my humble opp.
The main problem with running pure SVO is to do with the fuel being too viscous in the fuel lines & injectors, so an in tank heater wouldn't do the job - the problem with SVO is similar to running none winterised diesel during cold weather.

Those who run on 100% SVO seem to use a dual fuel system, with a small diesel tank for starting & stopping, and then a fuel switch over to allow SVO to be used when the engine is not. Surprisingly the costs of these systems are not cheap, almost makes me wonder about using a twin tank switch as used on older twin tank MOD landies, but then where to fit, sure to forget to switch to & from diesel & SVO etc.
I never thought about the fuel lines, nuts!! could put 2nd tank in boot but that takes up space and poss 6/7 seat option on lwb.

What do they add to deisel to stop it freezin?
Well I've took the plunge this week end and gone 50/50 rapeseed and diesel, it smells like the local chip van on a Thursday night.

illy said:
Well I've took the plunge this week end and gone 50/50 rapeseed and diesel, it smells like the local chip van on a Thursday night.


I'm using 50:50 at the moment, get slightly nervous at some of the colder temps at night, but I've had a small bottle of oil in the fridge down to 0.5 degs, and its remained clear - putting it in the freezer at a much lower temp and it gets very cloudy and viscous. The wife won't let me put diesel/veggie mixtures in the frisge or freezer, so I can't experiment with different mixtures to see how cold they can go.

A 50:50 mix is equivalent to 95ppl, or nearly £10 per fill up.
You dont want your eggs fried in it by mistake do you 8O :oops:

Well im still running apx 80% for the last 6mths no probs, obviously gunna lower % as the temp lowers, but touch wood all good!
The checkout girls give you odd looks but that's nothing to when your in the car park filling her up :lol: The supermarket car park is the best place to fill as you then drive 50yards to the filling station to top up with diesel which mixes it up.

Jim T
We run 50% SVO with 50% dino and have done for around 5k. Before that it was 30% SVO for about 8k. No problems and no filter problems either. Single tank of course with no additional HE.

Sump oil checked for polymersiation and none found so far though I change the oil evry 6k anyway.

Just put my WVO cold upflow processor online and now recycle used oil from a couple of local Italians and a hotel. Dewatered and then filtered down to 5 micron :wink:

That's some kit you got there LouLou,is it you're own design??
Have always been tempted with the veg oil/diesel mix but never used it yet!
Would i have to change my fuel filter more regularly?
As it's getting colder i would obviously start with maybe a 20 80 mix!!
And with the diesel prices came down and the veg oil going up,how much savings do you really make,if i have to change my fuel filter more often??
sorry for the dumb questions :? :?

Loads of questions but at least I can get you started and point you in the right direction ;)

Design is based on one by a North American guy and works on the principal that water and crud is heavier than oil and will seperate over time. Time is what you need.

When we started and used new oil/SVO I fitted a new fuel filter then checked/cut it open after 5k miles. I could find no crud. So it probably means our fuel system was already very clean and of course then we were using new oil so acid content was low (acts as a detergent and cleans out any muck) or crud content was low. The Terrano has a very large filter built to allow for bad diesel in some areas so doesn't block easily due to it's larger surface area, but we still change it every other oil change - and carry one just in case we need it.

We started with 20/80 and worked up in stages to what we have now. Never had any problems other than the prevailing smell of doughnut shops 8O

The 'Terry' engine lends itself well to veg use primarily due to the IDI engine design and the IP which, like the fuel filter, is built to run with very varied grades of fuel. Bosch copy IP.

We switched to processing WVO due to the increase in SVO prices though we just had a delivery last week of 56l rape oil from Waitrose. They had a one off deal on which worked out at £45 delivered (80p/l)! Otherwise we reprocess. But, yes with SVO prices being high you need to find a lower cost source to make it viable.

If you want to find out more info the best forum to log into and read is this :-

One big point to make is don't do this if your vehicle is not in good running order or you want to save £'s by cutting corners. I change our engine oil at 6k. One reason being it is possible for veg to combine with the sump oil and cause polymerisation/gumming = locked engine in a worse case. Not that I have ever seen it but after all frequent oil changes are not expensive if you don't use synthetic.

Excellent info LouLou,
Think i might be giving this a try!!
I'm sure someone did bring up the point that if you had a certain fuel pump it did not like it,is this true?
:?: :lol:

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