Cooking Oil

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Careful what you say lads the tax man could be looking in. :lol: :!:
your alowed a certain quota legally now and hows he gonna know for sure how much youve used lol
jon, How'd ya know that and can i put the oil thru with my des reciepts to the accountant. (not sure if its your field)

PS If a tax man is watching my real real name is Pablo The Jackle Lord Lucan Robert Maxwell Escabar II
ps we're helping the environment god damn them give us a break! We're tecnically eco warriors :p
I've picked up the 2500 litres info from reading some links provided on various forums & websites.

My understanding is that you can, as an individual, "produce" up to 2500 litres of biodiesel or SVO - and the act of purchase of SVO and putting it in a tank is itself "production". Seems bizarre, but thats the way HMRC are putting it across.

Apparently a group of individuals could purchase the suitable equipement for biodiesel production, and so long as each individual does not produce more than 2500 for personal use, the number of individuals using the equipment does not matter.
Wow im an oil barron, im off to buy my ten gallon hat and cigar. yee haw!!
cooking oil

hi there i found a site that is selling the equipment but that is not what i want it shows roughly how many miles you would do till you you would use 2500lt if you know what i mean but with the tax man if checked mot mileage back over the years he would see how many miles you do
the links is
i wonder if say you and the wife drove motor could you combine the alowance to 5000l?
jace said:
i wonder if say you and the wife drove motor could you combine the alowance to 5000l?

Possibly, as the 2500 litre allowance is a personal allowance as far I can understand; so 2 people using the vehicle would both be allowed up to 2500 litres each per year - bit like biodiesel production, a group od people can all use the same equipment, and make 2500 litres each, even though the "plant" itself might produce, say, 10,000 litres for 4 people. Obviously this is only for personal use, sale of the stuff requires tax etc to be paid.

Reading some info on from a bio-diesel producer, they state turns out the limit of 2500 isn't a personal allowance, its per premises. This doesn't agree with some info I read in LRO magazine last month, which suggested a group buying the "still" to produce biodiesel, and so long as they each produced no more than 2500 litres, there wasn't a problem - it didn't mention however the limit being based upon the premises - so I suppose a group could all buy 1 still but them it would have to be transported around from person to person to stay within the law.

Someone using SVO for work purposes though could claim to be based at a work address, freeing up the home address to be used by the other half, although HMRC are opposed to something called dis-aggregation apparently, which is where a producer uses several small premises to try and remain under the 2500 limit on each premises.
Well, bit the bullet today to give this a go. Filled with 18 litres of dinodiesel, and added 6 litres of Tesco veggie oil (rapeseed) to the tank. Filled from near enough empty, so got a good idea that there would only have been a couple of litres left in the tank, to allow me to accurately judge proportion of veggie & dinodiesel. Wagon seems to run fine so far, need to see what a cold start is like in the morning.

Cost wise, at this proportion I've put 24 litres of fuel in for £24.42, so £1 per litre, compared to the £1.10 for dinodiesel. Small saving but I wanted to start at a set proportion to assess cold starting & running, then titrate upwards and see what is the max amount of veggie that the vehicle will seem to run on.
Just don't over do % in winter jon, (very cold (snow) i run 15%)

I leave my vegi in garage, when its cold its like treacle and i don't think the pump or engine likes running on gloop.

Also my glowplugs are playing up and just like the deisel when its cold it starts like poo, so i'd make sure they're fully working or again lower %.

Need someone to run an experiment to see what % we should run in certain temps. Any offers! :lol:

Last night the temp was down to 3.6 degree's, and the wagon started first time in the morning when the temp was a slightly better 5 degrees.

My estimation is that as well as the 6 litres of veggie oil, I put 18 litres of diesel in as well, when the vehicle was onto its warning light, and had been for a few miles- so maybe 4 litres left - possibly more.

So I've got maybe 24 litres of diesel with 6 litres of veggie oil (30 litres total), which is in the region of an 80%:20% diesel:veggie mixture. temp locally today hasn't been over 12 degrees, so not too warm.

Hopefully as the weather improves I'll increase the proportion of veggie to diesel over the space of a few weeks. I'll keep on reporting back.
Ok I've joined in, picked up 20ltr bottle of Veg oil made from gm modified soya, stuck 8ltrs into about half at tank to see how it does.
the way i have been doing it is 1litre of veg to £5 diesel and no worries a wee tip tescos are doing 1litre veg oil for 56p
this allwyas brings me back to the point 'is it worth it?' £5 diesel 56p veg oil a saving of less than 50p? and a dash of worry thrown in?

I could understand if it was £100 a week on diesel versus £50 a week on veg oil but for less than 50p?

just my opinion!
Good point plank, but while 10p per litre doesn't seem that much cheaper, over a year it will add up to a substantial saving - I fill about 3 times per month, 60 litres per go, so £6 per fill, or £18 per month (based on current fuel prices) at the current ratio of 80:20. Increase the ratio of oil to diesel, and the saving gets bigger.

I'm noticing no change in how the wagon runs on an 80:20 mixture, in fact it is running better than the last time I was running it on biodiesel - better starting, less smoke. Obviosuly the use of petrodiesel is helping, but by starting at a low ratio an moving upwards it should be possible to judge if any running problems come in. I'm also not filling the tank, deliberate decision, to mean that if I get any running problems I can fill with petrodiesel to dilute the mixture further.
sounds good plan, but mean as it seems i will wiat for a few more guniea pigs to test it out for me first :lol:

as the £130 ish a year dont cover the cost of one injector i wouldnt have thought?

but good on you all for being pioneers!
I fill up once a week at mo 12L of oil to 60L diesel ish. (dis been £1.10)

12L (how much oil/week) X 52 (weeks a year) X 0.54 (saving per litre of oil over deisel) = £336.96 thats at 15% mix seems good maths to me. thtas only going by my winter %age the saving just keeps going up come the summer.

Spoke to my mechanic (landy/rangerover specialist) says loads of his regulars use it (none of them were his regulars for using it! :lol: ) and some of the lads he goes off road with also run their motors on it.

Suppose only time will tell, lets see in 6mths how many more oil burners are created when the tax goes up.

excellent point and well put, I was jst remebering a while ago we had a massive thread running on this and when veg oil was 'big news' and everyone was doing it it went up sky high it was around 80p or even more a litre and some shops were restricting sales.

it has come down in price now , i winder if this is seasonal as the cold weather has stopped so many people using it?

anyway with that in mind, i remember running an experiment with a bottle of veg oil in the fridge, we have one of those fridges with an electronic temperature display. anyway, set at 3 degrees C if i remember right! it was still fluid the next morning.

So as far as cold weather goes maybe a a few experiments with different veg oil / diesel mixtures in the fridge would be very informative.

as i said i love the idea, im just a coward :oops: so keep up the good work!

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