6th & 7th of July - Wales laning weekend

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Well sorry to say my vids have the dreaded sound problem as in the past and this is another camera, so I will not be posting them on here, but the others by makeitfit & fez are superior, Rick
Since I've finally got a (semi) free evening, here's the first vid of mine from the weekend... there will be more, with pics, but as I'm going to be way from tomorrow morning until Monday, they're gonna have to wait!

Popping the Bombhole cherry (I still wince a bit when I hear the crunch as the sidesteps catch! :lol )


I have more but I now need to pack for another weekend away... :doh
Flippin heck mrs j wont here a peep out of me for two days when we get home.
Ill be catchin up with wots goin on in the world of the forum.
Cant belive i lost all my vids..and then the pc hard drive packed up on a 6 month old lapto
hope i havent lost the pics too.
Thanks fez for the loan of the sd card.
I will try get mine recoverd
.heading home tomoz.
Tbh sat and sunday were the best days ive had all year so far.
The rest of my hol was very tame but relaxing.
Need another green lane fix very soon
brilliant pictures n videos and brilliant company too.
Im glad you lot got so many good pics.
thanks for a brill weekend.
Remember that lane we did on the 2nd day, well went up there today as theres a TRO closure on it for a few months because of tree felling along the way. Well it's got worse within a month.

Got proper stuck, Even with another vehicle pulling from the side no budging it. Beached on axles/diffs. Had to jack the back up then front. Put rocks under wheels and dug the diffs out.


Wasn't too bad I've been in far worse, this was a piece of piss compared to other stuck moments. :naughty

Bank helped in some ways but hindered in others. Made the whole end jack up instead of one side as the left back wheel was so tight to the bank.

All of the work involved, As i was putting away a small fold out spade in the back I put my back out :(
interesting, shame about your back, hope it's not long lasting, ground anchor sounds interesting too, have you a design in mind Pete, Rick
It was proper beached, I think winching up would of broken something and because the lane is lower than the banks the rope could snag.

I've got a boat anchor that are cheap in my shed, Going to see how well it performs as a winch anchor. Folds down a bit too.
interesting, shame about your back, hope it's not long lasting, ground anchor sounds interesting too, have you a design in mind Pete, Rick
I saw the must unlikely design for one at a pay n play while back. I'll try and find the picks, but I was impressed as it got him out of the doo doos in pretty soft ground :D

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