Didnt know they had. That was the whole point of the 2500 litres as it's so difficult to enforce.when did they change about the veg:nenau
In theory you could put veg in and a spoon of petrol and you're making your own bio anyway :nenau
Didnt know they had. That was the whole point of the 2500 litres as it's so difficult to enforce.when did they change about the veg:nenau
taken from hmrcYou must pay HMRC duty on vegetable oil when you put it into your tank. There is no allowance for VEG.
ONLY biodiesel is exempt of DUTY and VAT (up to 2500 litres per calender year) if you make it yourself.
If you get dipped with veg, you could be in trouble
If I was to run VEG, in addition to filtering I would also heat it up and leave it to settle for a few days, drain off the bottom water and crud.
Then add 5% petrol in summer more in winter.
Don't forget to add an inline filter as the veg will clean out the fuel tank and lines of rubbish. I put mine just before the main fuel filter
I bought 10 plastic ones on ebay for £1 each
new veg oil from bookers wholesale £18.75 for 20ltrs
I've found mine is a bit resistant to start with 100% GM soya from Makro, but runs well on Tesco's Sunflower that they've been flogging at 2 x 5L for £10.
The soya is thicker and I find I have to splash a bit of petrol in there to make things happy again. Rapeseed oil seems to be the best for me.
Banshee, you need to deal with water in the used oil or you could kill the pump! Filtering won't get rid of the water, you ideally need to heat it to speed the separation and then leave to settle for a number of days. Some people use petrol to dewater and then obviously don't heat it! but this still takes a number of days to properly settle out.
Quick test for water in oil is to put a wee bit in a hot frying pan. If it pops and bubbles then you still have water present, if it just sits there and smokes, jobs a good un. Don't try this with petrol mixed in though!!
Blocked filter(s) - running veg can clean years of crud out of the tank - you probably need a new fuel filter fitting, failing that check the mini filter under the banjo bolt.
The other thing that can cause this is air in your fuel lines, straight veg is much thicker than diesel so the pump needs to suck harder, if there is any weakness in the fuel lines, it's more likely to ingest air when running on thicker fuel. The viscosity affects the flow rate through filters too, hence the improvement on diesel.
By mixing in 15-20% or so of petrol to oil, you bring the viscosity back to near that of diesel as well as cure any winter running issues.
There's a download to detail the banjo bolt stuff, look at the second link in the quick links thingy at the top of the page here.
I didn't remove any parts to get to mine, just used an extension bar for the socket and an extendable magnetic pickup tool that I got from Tesco's for a quid.
To wheek the filter out, I bent a wee hook out of the metal stiffener found in an old wiper blade - I was surprised at how far down the hole under the spring the filter was! Some trucks don't have one, some have the filter inside the bolt. I was going to clean mine, but I dropped it so now I do without!
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