FUEL : Diesel / City Diesel / Bio Diesel / Sun Flower Oil / Vegetable Oil / Waste Oil

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Bio diesel should have the consistency of normal diesel so there is no reason why you should have any problems, the problems people usually experience with the injector pump is due to using straight veg oil which is much thicker and will sometimes put extra strain on the pump and cause it to fail.

What i was told when i first started using commercially produced bio was to mix it 50-50 and then when you realise it is fine increase it until you are running 100% bio

Just make sure that once you have used a couple of tanks worth change the fuel filter, bio will flush all the crap out of the fuel system and into the filter.
OOO sounds all very secret squirrel :lol
Let us know the outcome then as the last lot we got was 90p a bloody litre :doh
That's a slap :eek: So we're keen to find a new supplier:thumbs
GTL/ gas to liquid, higher cetain, cleaner burn, more power, engine runs smoother, than on ordenary diesel.
Cheapest diesel I can get in france. Not sure of the pump but its never been changed. All round town driving with a bit of motorway generally hits just the right or just the wrong side of 30 mpg. 3.0 is a great engine. No engine mods.
will be 100% veggie as soon as warmer

got to ask, i know its been asked before no doubt, but do you run some sort of heat exchanger? or just pour straight in, i know there is a difference with fuel pumps, i think mine is hitachi maf, but dont know what pump is on,

sorry to go over old ground,
thanks in advance
Running on standard diesel here in Spain, either Shell or Repsol, getting about 320-340 miles to a tank, that's about 60% off-road mountain tracks and 40% town & autovia (motorway) driving. Just tried Elf Ultima diesel (€116 a litre instead of €112 for normal), engine seems quieter and not such a big cloud of black smoke on start-up.

Whoa,stop the bus!You are paying how much for fuel?116 euro per litre.? What a pleasure.Can you please send us some.:eek:
already using 100%, Makro 93.75p per lt ktc soya in 20 lts containers

what year is your truck, and what maf is fitted,

anyone else tell me about heat exchangers, are you using anything to warm veggie or just running as is?
need 2 have a bosch fuel pump 2 run on bio deisel or veg oil! if u don't have this u'll reck ur engine, can also cause carbon build up on pistons ect to the point my vectra went bang! with oil n water all over the rd n big black smoke that no1 could see thru :doh

best to do is filter it properly! get a kit or buy it ready made ( it should have some sort of white sprit idea thru it) n a 60/40 mix is probs best tbh

tho my mates pug 406 ran on asda veg oil straight out the shop n neva had a problem!

try, fail, start again me thinks :)