Hint and Tip.
Before starting any job like that, take photographs at each stage of disassembly, take a few clear sandwich bags, mark on them say 1-.... 5 ... place any small assemblies, screws washers etc in the bag as you go.
You must do this for the rear brake shoes so you know how it all fits together.
I still do this, below is the Bosch dishwasher I stripped last month.
Excuse picture upside down again :doh.
Good job I did this because when I pulled a wire off a micro switch, there were two terminals... looking at the picture it was clear it was the top one, without the picture, I would have had to meter it out, another way, is look for scratches on the terminals lol.
The dishwasher overflow switch was full of gunk, so were all the feed pipes etc, so water didn't get into the dishwasher quick enough, triggered the overflow resulting in stop start of the water flow, with all sorts of clunks etc.
Cleaned, reassembled all working now. :thumb2
Money saved... £ lots, call out parts (non were needed as I cleaned what I had), labour, I guess £80-£120 So rewarding when you repair a job yourself, but there are jobs that are better done my people with more experience. I wouldn't trust my welding on a car say, but if ... let's say Rick did it, then I'd know it was actually stronger than the original :thumb2