What is the date for this again please ?
What is the date for this again please ?
I've tried to speak to the Lady to make my booking but without success.
Left a voice message, with all the details and with your name as reference.
Anyway, I'm coming up from Dartmoor on the Friday 20th. :thumb2
There won't be a problem rocking up on the day, I turned up latish on the Saturday a couple of weeks ago without problems. But she has got your message, so definitely no problem. They won't keep pitches so we might be a bit spread out and a reason why she isn't too fussed about speaking directly.I've tried to speak to the Lady to make my booking but without success.
Left a voice message, with all the details and with your name as reference.
Anyway, I'm coming up from Dartmoor on the Friday 20th.
It's wired and waiting fuel:thumbsErrm
No pressure no work !
Sorry to be really late to this... But the boss is back at work next week, so I'll look at getting the time off!
I'll probably get there just before last light on the Friday....
I got more bad news Jay, they’ve all gotta put up with me too:doh Sadly I may not be in a Terrano tho.
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