Veg Oil or Dirty Oil (Diesel)

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Hi all,

I have never run my 1997 terrano on 100% cooking oil but I do run it on 50% oil and 50% diesel for about 6yrs now with no problems other than it takes longer to start on frosty mornings, I have to keep the battery charged right up so I use a smart charger on frosty nights, it pulls well with no loss of power and does not smoke and it's just passed another MOT, I had to do some work on it like front brake calipers, replaced seals in the pistons and that was it.
so it works ok.
Putting cooking oil in the 2003 Terrano is yet to come, I probably will in the near future the way the prices are going but I didnt buy them for their fuel economy.

Just been reading the customs and excise website and it seems the addition of SVO to diesel is illegal? It becomes a 'fuel additive' and is subject to duty :eek::eek::eek: The 2500 ltr limit is for home made biodiesel only and you have to keep all relevant paperwork for purchase of oil etc..... looks like if you get stopped and have your tank dipped (with a mix of diesel and SVO) it is as bad as running red diesel and you can have your car confiscated !!! Bugger thought I had hit on a cheaper way of running the truck :doh:doh:doh
Just been reading the customs and excise website and it seems the addition of SVO to diesel is illegal? It becomes a 'fuel additive' and is subject to duty :eek::eek::eek: The 2500 ltr limit is for home made biodiesel only and you have to keep all relevant paperwork for purchase of oil etc..... looks like if you get stopped and have your tank dipped (with a mix of diesel and SVO) it is as bad as running red diesel and you can have your car confiscated !!! Bugger thought I had hit on a cheaper way of running the truck :doh:doh:doh


The 2500 litre limit was introduced specifically for SVO and later amended to include bio-diesel.

Not a problem.:thumb2

Go here and read 4.2.4 then 4.2.1.
Well if you put it like that :thumb2:thumb2:thumb2... think I will print and save the extracts just in case but...... it does seem to put the onus on no one !!! I am liking this :clap:clap:clap
Well if you put it like that :thumb2:thumb2:thumb2... think I will print and save the extracts just in case but...... it does seem to put the onus on no one !!! I am liking this :clap:clap:clap

LOL - technically you need to be able to prove you haven't used more than 2500 litres in a year if you are stopped, but our sources indicate the rozzers and HMRC just lost interest in this one in 2008 when they made the concession (a lot of the NO posts you see on the net pre-date that).

The reality is that the number of vehicles that can use SVO like the Terrano does, without modification, is very very small.
i think it would be fairly impossible to prove, and if the allowance is 'per person' then what if more than one person drove the car? It's to foggy to actually stand up in court - wen my opinion anyway.
i think it would be fairly impossible to prove, and if the allowance is 'per person' then what if more than one person drove the car? It's to foggy to actually stand up in court - wen my opinion anyway.

if they could even be of those occasions where "yes officer:bow, no officer:bow" helps I suspect.....:thumbs
Been well posted elsewhere but the fact of the mater is unless youve been taking the p*** say by filling a fleet of 10 hgvs on a daily basis and claiming your under the limit when obviously you wont be, the chances of HMRC taking an interest in you is minimal.

The chances of any problems at the road side is nigh on zilch. Police wont be interested and in any case neither they nor HMRC have detection equipment other than their noses.

Other than through surveillance or an intelligence led op enforcing an excess use case is nigh on impossible.

Dont worry about it !!!!!!!!!!!!
Been well posted elsewhere but the fact of the mater is unless youve been taking the p*** say by filling a fleet of 10 hgvs on a daily basis and claiming your under the limit when obviously you wont be, the chances of HMRC taking an interest in you is minimal.

The chances of any problems at the road side is nigh on zilch. Police wont be interested and in any case neither they nor HMRC have detection equipment other than their noses.

Other than through surveillance or an intelligence led op enforcing an excess use case is nigh on impossible.

Dont worry about it !!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank god for that - look what its done to me....

in real terms, even in a T2 running 100% SVO the 'allowance' would do you about 300 miles a week (at a good guess) at 50% 600 miles, if two people use the car and both have the allowance :nenau

so the only problem now is finding SVO at a reasonable price :nenau
It is £1 a litre at COSTCO ATM.... (well £20.35 for 20 actually) so bought 60 :clap:clap:clap will see me a while as reckon I will save about £10 a fill up on the miles I do which pays for the Dartford crossing each day :thumb2:thumb2 so I is a tenner a week better off already and COSTCO is on the way home from work! :naughty
It is £1 a litre at COSTCO ATM.... (well £20.35 for 20 actually) so bought 60 :clap:clap:clap will see me a while as reckon I will save about £10 a fill up on the miles I do which pays for the Dartford crossing each day :thumb2:thumb2 so I is a tenner a week better off already and COSTCO is on the way home from work! :naughty

that's more like £1.02 a litre, I presently pay £1.03, so still a saving, the cheapest diesel locally is £1.31.9 (£1.32 really, bloody liars!)
Well a penny here and there.... bloody diesel has gone up a penny a day this week at my local shell & sainsbury's (opposite so they price match :confused:) its 133.9p a litre now (cheapest I have found) so deffo going to add a bit of SVO per fill just to save money.... hoping it comes down in price in the summer? Off to ASDA shopping tonight so will check it out there too
Well a penny here and there.... bloody diesel has gone up a penny a day this week at my local shell & sainsbury's (opposite so they price match :confused:) its 133.9p a litre now (cheapest I have found) so deffo going to add a bit of SVO per fill just to save money.... hoping it comes down in price in the summer? Off to ASDA shopping tonight so will check it out there too

asda seems to be consistantly the lowest prices around , around 4 or 5 p cheaper in some places i have no idea why , perhaps cheap nasty fuel ? .... all i can say is my car runs brilliant on it , so i dunno

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