Ive been veging for 4 year,my mate has for 5.
He has done 100k on wvo i have done bout 45k.we do it the same way with no heating.
Settle out for a MONTH and the fats and water goes to bottom of tank leaving clean clear oil on the top.I can see this as the tank is almost clear.
Then filter off the top.
I filter to a low micron for testing for a supplier,but not alway needd to go as low as i do.
My samples were sent to a lab for testing,and gave great results.
A simple hot pan test can show signs of water in oil,heat up a pan and drop on some oil,if it spits then youhave water in it.
I also found the more passes you do on your filters the better the oil.
Yesterday i started the bongo and switched to veg staright away,it was fine and thats on almost 100% veg!