urgent help needed

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ok so still havent receved my new stat yet but i thought i would do the antifreeze anyway so this is what i did...

1. remove bottom sump guard.
2. removed the bottom radiator hose.
3. removed the radiator cap.

now i only managed to drain about 2ltrs max out of that??? is that right

then took the stat out to have a look, had a look and put it back in lol with new gasket.

reconnected the bottom pipe from the radiator and checked the water level in the resovour.(spelling sorry) it was still fine just below max???
so i started the car. ran it for around 20 mins with no probs still not heating up and i cant feel any water in the stat or rad pipes??

now im no machanic but thats not right can anyone tell me where to go now???

cheers guys

p.s i checked the level in the resovour after running and its exactly the same.
Why didn't youCheck operation of the thermo while you had it out?

You may not need a new one
Remove the rad cap and give the top hose a good squeeze,you should feel the hose filling with water and see the level drop in the rad. It may have just been airlocked.
you need to fill the RAD. then squise the bottom pipe to get the air out. refill and do again till no air bubbles out. then run the car for a few mins, then repeat to get air locks our the heater system..
Why didn't youCheck operation of the thermo while you had it out?

You may not need a new one

yeah i was going to but i dont have a thermometer?? lol:thumb2
right off too squeeze my pipes lol will update later :thumb2
ok update.....

i have just topped the rad up and run the engine for around a hour, i have squeezed the red inlet and outlet but there is no pressure building after running the car i went streight round and took off the rad cap and nothing not even a bit of a hiss and both inlet and outlet were still cold???

any help much appriciated.....:augie:thumb2
Well,I'm confused!! Would have thought an hour running everything would be warm,perhaps recheck the expansion bottle level and the level in the rad. Try dipping a finger into the rad to see if the water there is getting warm. Only other thought is that the fan is staying on full blast and overcooling it. I changed the thermostat in mine yesterday as it was running cool, discovered it had a 94degree thermostat in instead of the standard 82 or 88 degree. Hot as hell now,so maybe you have the wrong thermostat fitted. Just thought,one other thing to check is the water pump and the fanbelts. If the pump is buggered water won't be circulating and in this cold weather it might not overheat to quickly so probably worth a look anyway.Can't think of anything else at the moment.
Which is better the 82 or 88??? gonna do this ASAP as DAMN its cold in the cab, just manage to get it warm and just warm after a good drive!!!!
Mine never really got warm so I changed to an 88 degree and it's warm as toast, however I don't tow with it and not gone through a summer with it but others have and do without problems. Who knows may be an 82 degree would have worked OK but I'm happy with the 88 for now.
Also don't forget a blocked pollen filter can stop the car getting warm too.

Jim T
right the engine fan is on all the time is this right?? from the minuet i switch the car on to when i turn it off?? could this be my problem? also the water doesnt seem to be moving at all, i cant feel it going through the pipes or anything like that, should i?? :thumb2

p.s still after an hour of running the air was still cold.?