Been a bit busy, so only a couple of bits done to the car this weekend.
Finished the flip key, had to change the switches on the remote, as they were not very good to start with, and became very flaky once I changed it into the flip case. Now it is all good, just got to do the other one now.
Job for the weekend was to run wires for the accessories I will be fitting.
Before I get to a point of connecting everything up, I will probably need to change the Positive battery terminal. I had noticed in the past, a thick 40 amp cable running from the positive terminal, and a thin 5amp(ish) cable running from the negative, taped to the pipes running across the back of the engine bay, before disappearing through the bulk head. I presumed the thick wire is the tow bar feed, but no idea what the thin earth could be. So first job of the day was to look and see exactly where the positive cable was connected on the battery terminal as it was not immediately obvious, coming up from underneath. As I put my hand on the wire, it just came away as there was only about 10 of the 30 or so strands in the crimp, and they had all but a couple snapped away.
Not a problem, as the main job was to run a nice thick 165amp feed cable, and a 12 core signal wire from the engine bay to the boot. This entailed taking the passenger seat out, and all the trim along the N/S, so I could get to the cable trunking under the mat, and run it neatly and safely to the back. The orriganal two wires from the engine bay were just run under the trim panels, and were pinched in several places, with the thin one flat most of the way along, with the copper showing in a few place... to be honest, it almost looked melted...
When I removed the N/S boot panel, I got my first glimpse of the wiring for the towbar... Oh dear.... Everything was blue scotch locked, which is horrible, but unfortunately common practice when people fit towbars.
I was intrigued though, about the earth wire, as I had followed it all along the length of the car, and found it terminating in a mass of Blue Scotch locks. As I worked it out, I nearly had heart failure... Basically, the 13pin towing socket, has 3 large earth wires, 1 for all the lights, one for the fridge, and one for the continuous 12v feed. These wires are all quite thick, rated at about 25amp (ish) each, and way too big for a blue scotch lock to be used safely. But there before me was the lighting earth connected to the fridge earth, then the fridge earth connected to the permanent 12v earth, that connected to a flying bit of wire that came from the split charge relay, and then all of them, connected to the thin earth wire running from the battery.... Basically, the whole caravan towbar socket was earthed via the small wire, all the way back to the battery at the front. How it never caught fire......
I am so glad I did not just chuck the caravan onto the back of the car, when my car killed it's radiator the other week, and use it instead of mine to get away on holiday. Lesson here is never trust a towbar wiring if you do not know who fitted it.
Anyway, I finished getting my wires to the boot, removing the old wires as I went. I then set to work, running another 12 core cable from where I will be putting the control panel, near the centre console to the engine bay. To do this, I removed the glove box, and central dash.
While I had the glove box out, I decided to check the pollen filter....
I think it may need changing...
Ran out of time and daylight, so while I have the centre dash out, I am going to make up a panel for putting an after market radio in, and remove the ashtray, and make a panel for some extra switches there.
list of Jobs now,
Change pollen filter
The Passenger, and rear O/S windows do not work.
Wheel need balancing
Tracking out
Gas Air Con
Look into replacing front wing
replace plastic captive nut section for the Sunroof
Keep eye for ally thermostat cap, as this has a plastic one.
Centre Console lid inner moulding
Boot door carpet Trim panel broken along edge
New/repair steering wheel, as stitching has come apart
put modified led lightbar on bull bars
add wires for second battery, and extras.
add second battery
Make second Flip key.