Terrano 4wd problem

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Definitely not your hubs mate! Ignore that one! If one wasnt working you'd have no drive to any of the front wheels (power to side with least resistance)

Seems to me as Karl said that there is a problem with your transfer box.

Take it to your ramp, stick it in 4x4 and drive it forward to engage the hubs. Make it do the fault then without disengaging 4x4 get it on your ramp. Unbolt the front and rear props from the transfer box and with the wheels off the ground try turning the axles by hand. If both front and rear turn freely then its deffo your transfer box. If you find it had to turn one then your problem is in that diff or axle.

I personally feel that it could be something to do with the centre diff. Sounds like when both axles have drive there is a serious amout of wind up appearing from somewhere!

The one good thing about Terranos & Mavericks are there snow capabilities! Best motor I ever had for snow!
Until I bought my G.C...
(permenent 4x4 and rear lsd... no fun tho!)
Definitely not your hubs mate! Ignore that one! If one wasnt working you'd have no drive to any of the front wheels (power to side with least resistance)

Seems to me as Karl said that there is a problem with your transfer box.

Take it to your ramp, stick it in 4x4 and drive it forward to engage the hubs. Make it do the fault then without disengaging 4x4 get it on your ramp. Unbolt the front and rear props from the transfer box and with the wheels off the ground try turning the axles by hand. If both front and rear turn freely then its deffo your transfer box. If you find it had to turn one then your problem is in that diff or axle.

I personally feel that it could be something to do with the centre diff. Sounds like when both axles have drive there is a serious amout of wind up appearing from somewhere!

The one good thing about Terranos & Mavericks are there snow capabilities! Best motor I ever had for snow!
Until I bought my G.C...
(permenent 4x4 and rear lsd... no fun tho!)
their is no center diff lol you thinking of the cherry again lol :thumbs been having some side ways fun in the horn but it wont do it in 4wd :(

have you driven it in 2wd with the hubs engaged yet ??

if it drives normal then that should eliminate the front diff

with it driving normal in 2wd that should eleimnate the rear diff

so only the trasnsfer box is left

unless it is on the drive side of the front diff or wont it work that way ?
Of course it has a centre diff!!! Its whats inside your transfer box!
Normally on most 2 & 4 wheel drive off-roaders they are a very simple mechanism that locks to provide drive to the front wheels...

Now i've never stripped a Nissan selectable transfer box but have Suzukis... and they behave in a similar way when the bearings are seizing! :rolleyes:
And the cheap quick fix for that is a good second hand transfer box! :thumb2
Of course it has a centre diff!!! Its whats inside your transfer box!
Normally on most 2 & 4 wheel drive off-roaders they are a very simple mechanism that locks to provide drive to the front wheels...

Now i've never stripped a Nissan selectable transfer box but have Suzukis... and they behave in a similar way when the bearings are seizing! :rolleyes:

so why do people keep telling me it aint its a transferbox :nenau

i know in theroy we have a locking center diff (i think) but as its a part time 4x4 its a transferbox (again i think lol)
Well i'm no expert so have to be careful what I advise. But... unless Nissan have designed a fancy clever transfer box then it will work in the same way as the old 2wd Land rover type, 2wd Suzuki, 2wd Diahatsu...
When you engage 4x4 it locks the centre diff thus providing drive to the front axle...

Permenent 4x4 cars are different. Thay also have a centre diff but its is not so simple! Permenent 4x4 Land-rovers have a centre diff lock option. This is to stop the axles turning at different speeds to each other, or make them turn at the same speed... which ever way you look at it its doing the same job as what engaging 4x4 in a selectable motor does!
right, here we go again, in normal 2wd it drives perfect! so that's the rear diff eliminated (or at least i hope it is), next .... in 2wd but with the front hubs engaged the problem is there! in full 4wd still same. as i tried to explain in an earlier post .... when on the ramp with all 4 wheels hanging and in the 4wd position i turn the rear wheels & all four turn as indeed it is supposed to do .... but as i keep turning it gets tighter & tighter hence the "wind up" problem. this weekend i'm gonna try removing the props as suggested by muckypup, will just have to battle on in 2wd till then cos it's totally uncontrollable in 4wd ... :surrender
Let's hope so karl, i certainly don't want to be removing the gearbox ... it looks a b*****d of a job! although a clutch would'nt go amiss. fingers crossed it's the front diff,
when was the oil changed last??

if you got your fingers crossed enough might be just whats needed, thats where id start
it's not been changed in the 2 and half years we've had it :lol
on part time 4wds, like t2 and troll, its n ot centre diff like a disco, more
of a dog clutch., its either off or on, no differential in to spread load as
in full timer.

are tyres same front to rear, similar inflation, and tread pattern/depth.

cant see gearing in transfer box being issue.

sorry come in bit late so most of my thoughts been covered along way!

but mine be locked in 4wd all day, 10 miles cross city, literally few feet
of wet road ever seen otherwise snow slush ice.

no issues, that was upto 30mph in low and high ratios. yes 4th in low
box is a strange feeling but ride was like 2wd.
front diff, lack of use.

this is way on part timer with auto hubs, need to go into 4wd regular
knock back to 2wd but leave front end in locked mode, turning front
prop by front wheels, not transfer to lube it all up.

but that said its allfixed mechs in there lub or not it would work eh?
might get warm with no lube but no clutches in there to snatch like
in rear lsd.

plus in 4wd if one front auto was knacked and not locking all the prop
torque would go to that wheel, so wouldnt be 3 wd but rear 2wd in
effect. perhaps if said hub worked intermitantly either front wheel
would scrabble for grip whilst it actually got some torque.
certain not transfer, as suggested mark props when in air several rotations
later be in same sync, must be cos diffs got to be same ratios cos wheels
traditionally same size.
been at it again today, i've had the hubs off, cleaned & regreased them, removed front prop, no worn or tight joints on that, cv joints on driveshafts all ok nothing seized on them, front diff turns easily by hand with prop removed, locks the hubs in etc. as it should, changed the front diff oil (was nice & clean anyway) no metal filings or anything in the oil, transfer box turns easily by hand etc. put it all back together again & guess what ....... it's still the same, it is vibrating & rumbling like hell over 20mph in four wheel drive (in both low & high ratio) it's pulling to the right & still won't coast downhill, it's as if the brakes are binding. as soon as i put it back in 2 wheel drive it's absolutely perfect!
yep, both front tyres are fine , so are the pressures, it's definately a bearing somewhere that's causing the rumbling/vibration but where i don't know. it's doing my head in now :confused: