Damn fine weekend , even if I did only manage the Sunday.
Black Pearl was thrown in the deep end only a few hours after it's ground up rebuild.
Not finished or tested it did cause a few delays

Fuel system was sucking in air and the ground support team was awesome. Never had so many spanner monkeys in in my bonnet :lol
Thanks all who got me going again :clap
Later on the road section to Bastard lane I lost steering and had to do an emergency parking manouver

Luckily a gap opened up at that split second and so I put my towel right on it

Again big thanks to all who rummaged about trying to find a nut to suit.
Unfortunately I had to bow out at that point and let the convoy continue.
I waited for recovery but as it was taking forever , decided to make more of an effort to fix it myself.
Again I think Karma was with me as I found a tractor restorer chappie only a few hundred meters up the road. A rummage about his boxes eventually revealed the nut I needed to fix the Pearl

10 mins later I was on the road again.
Sorry I missed the end but home again under my own steam was very satisfying.
4x4 mojo well and truley found again.
Cheers all