Jeremy, very interesting points about the deterioration of the engine internals, but surely something similar is going on at whatever rate to whatever degree as an engine ages?
As far as cylinder and piston ring contamination goes a dose of millers via the fuel system should help alleviate that.
As for the "runaway" syndrome. Thats very old science. Dieseling as its known has been around ever since any oil + air + compression were mixed together and has historically occured in engines and shock absorbers (to name two items) not set up correctly or unservicable/defective. As an explosion the results depend how contained it is ..................... or isnt
My TII has never ran better, it still uses its min amount of lube and does not suffer any form of run on at all , over 10 000 miles of mixed svo use. Using the white paper and solvent I couldnt see any unusual contamination or substances in the poil and no excess water when I changed it.
I do agree without reservation regarding running problems and misfires when the oil solidifies or becomes glutinous. I've had that when I was caught out in a cold snap which produced poor running symptoms similar to those in the quoted article, its never happened otherwise.
Its all interesting stuff :thumbs
For the record SVO=Single veg oil, not 100% correct because it could be a belnd of different oils but basically clean, uncontaminted and not yet used. WVO= waste veg oil and can come filtered unfiltered, dry wet etc etc.