On initial reading its a load of cobbled tosh.
The TRRL at Thatcham has shitloads of facts and stats and we all know how long roads are closed for after fatal RTAs, so its a fallacy to say they don't really understand the numbers. The TRRL by the way came out with a figure of around 7% of all accidents attributable to speed.
The report says 80% of pedestrian accidents are related to action by the pedestrian - it fails to mention that the TRRL found that something like 75% of pedestrians were affected by alcohol....sort of important to leave out don't you think?
I mean why should I drive everywhere at 20mph just because a few fukwits can't stand up and chew gum at the same time? Bollox to them.
As for these speed traps, the FAIR thing to do would be to drop the points system (which just over-penalises drivers and puts cash in the pockets of the insurance companies) and replace with a salary/means-related fine system so that Porker drivers pay £3000 for breaking a speed limit (and have their headlights kicked in for good measure LMAO!)....
Or, just put me in charge for a fortnight.....:sly
hail paullllllllyyyyyyyyyyy
didnt even read it . but someone mentioned police head scratching after checking for speed or drink ... thats because gov and police use statistics every public body does now . there is no or very little fact finding to anything any more . the world is dependent on box tickers . if they can tick a box then they are qualified to police , judge you or penalise you
for example the bloke or woman who had a drink with there lunch, then has a car crash on the way home from work 3 hours later. will immediately be responsible for the accident . because there is not a box for check to see if the other person is suicidal or having trouble at home or been up all night with sick kids . normal everyday stuff they might have even had to work 24 7 to pay some debts and just over tired .
the point is if you fit the boxes they have then your guilty .... simples
another example.
working tax credits , child benefit now currently the waiting time for a kin simple parent change over is 12 weeks . ok you say .
but dvla wont give you 12 weeks to come up with your road tax money
worse still if its disputed as things often are, having already given them copies of court orders with your initial application they can make you wait a further 12 after they received a response (if they get one ) from the disputer ffs
so you could be looking at 6 months for a gov agency to pay you your family allowance . but you try asking for 6 months , 3 months if you like to sort out the paper work to tax your car .
here is another gem lol
obviously not me adz ..... lol
i know someone a mother who's children lived with there father. as the mother did not have suitable accommodation to have staying contact with her kids . the government offered to house the vagrant mother (free) so she could offer staying contact .
now most people here have the intelligence to know if you was a father and kids lived with mum . you would get sweet fu*ck all help to see your kids let alone have them stay over lol.
box ticking thats what the world is ..... so get back in your box !