Sorry I can’t work out which pulley it is but how often would it need to be removed? If not often can you just weld the pulley on to the shaft, very bodged but maybe a fix and forget repair. Not sure if heat would damage any oil seals behind.
You may of gone through all this but can’t remember much about threads these days.
Left it on charge overnight and started it this morning, started no problem at all and even managed to take the girlfriend around the new housing estate in it albeit a bit tiring with no power steering, it's a big heavy beast!!!!!
Been doing some research on this problem Zac, seems many people that this has happened to state that the crank bolt was still tight, so looks to me that maybe the bolt washer was fitted the wrong way round, it has a relief for the crank end if fitted the correct way, if the wrong way then the washer will be tight to the crank but not to the pulley, also to get round the bad key way you can drill two or 3 x 6mm holes into the crank/pulley and insert some good quality steel rod into the holes, and make sure the pulley is clamped before the washer touches the crank, Rick
new pulley are available on Ebay for around £100, Rick
The ones on eBay look just the job, it seems that the original has fared worse than the damage to the crankshaft so will be replaced.Are they not up to scratch then Zac? Rick
I'm not sure I'll keep it any great deal of time when it is repaired as I really really dislike the LWB they are ugly!!!! I'd happily chop it in for a shorty though and mod the hell out of it but these seem to be so so rare :O
Hey! :jerkit:
All going to plan I should have another 2.8 engine with 80k miles on it on a pallet in my garage by the end of the weekend :naughty
Watch this space![]()
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