road tax

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PLANK said:
Sorry mate but on nthis you are wrong! most veg oil crops are not 'neutral' they only absorb a fraction of the co2 they create by burning and all and i emphasise all veg oil crops result in a huge amount of waste methane being created as the remainder of the plant not used for veg oil (in the case of soya 80% of the plant) has to go somewhere and often is left to rot! this damages the environment up to 26 times more than co2!

Some research suggests otherwise, so I'm not entirely believing "myths", although I equally accept that there are significant concerns that the use of biofuels won't produce a sufficient enough change in CO2 levels alone in 25 years to make a difference. In fact, probably the only fuel switch that could do enough in that time would be a switch to nuclear produced electricity and cessation of fossil fuel produced electricity. But then the greens are not prepared to accept this point (neither is the UK govt) so fossil fuel use will be taxed out of existence in the UK, and we'll all end up using bikes, with a thrid world economy as well.

But yes, you are right, the main drive behind myself and thousands others using SVO, WVO and biodiesel is to save money, not the environment.
interestingly when bio diesel was first 'pushed' by vw in the late 70's and early 80's their main concern was 'sustainability, in that, at the time the world was worried abotu running out of fossil fuels. Odly after that most coal mines were closed as it was 'not economicaly viable' to remove the coal' not because there was none to be removed!

The idea of re absorption of Co2 is a nice theroetical spin off of this that infrtunateky never happens, as for real co2 reduction, and alternative use of fuel and power, what we relly nedd is a radical re think in th philosophy behind western capitalistic development and the creation and exploitation of commodity value.

without this all the neclear fuels and veg oils etc will have little effect!

for example, i live in a smoke free zone, so cant burn firewood! leaving it to rot damages the environment 26 time more as the methane produced is more dangerous, so the local authority ban me from burning it and subsidise my buying a compost bin, made from crude oil based plasticthus further contributing to the green house effect.

In the mean time! all waste wood is taked to local tips and from there transported too- guess where? the new wood chippings fired power station! Transported over land using fossil diesel trucks! where 80% of its potential energy is wasted as heat straight into the atmosphere! when the electricity eventualy reaches peoples plug sockets, what do they do? plug in an electric heating device, toaster or kettle. All functions that a wood fire in the home could do and save all the ploution and waste. And with a simple lime stone based filter on the chimney most of the particular emissions could be reduced as source and the by products of the filter system used for local building projects.

what we need is a re think of our whole western capitalist ife style, and to help others to see it is not all it is cracked up to be, getting on the housing ladder, flying round the world etc etc all the things we hold dear in our 'social climbing' society are the things that are killing the planet!

so we try and find a scape goat, in this case a few of the cars on the road, and it makes no sense! a reps turbo diesel vectra £170 per annu8m tax covering 60k plus miles carrying one passenger, a rural families compact 4x4 £430 carrying all the kisds to school provifig holdays and covering 8k per year, so effectively poluting a lot less!

but! the rep sells the things we cant do without! maybe stockings, or souveneir models of holiday resorts etc. and heis wages and tax fuel the capitalist machine so we have to keep stoking that fire. and that is what this tax is all about!

I will keep driving our cars and pay the tax, do the same miles and cause the same polution, so nothing has changed exept the chancelor had more revenue the environment remains un improved. Though i will continue to make other practical changes in my lifestlye where possible and listen too and offer where i can sound advice. And that my friends id=s the best all of us can do!

now time for me to climb off my soap box :wink: :lol:

but if anyone wants to discuss further by PM i am allways open to usefull ideas to help our planet and each other!
Robbo, i think its good for people to get a more grounded and realistic view of the worlds issues that those offered by the media, to be honest the system is rotten to the core and the isues are about greed not green!

but i dont need to tell you that :wink:
PLANK said:
Robbo, i think its good for people to get a more grounded and realistic view of the worlds issues that those offered by the media, to be honest the system is rotten to the core and the isues are about greed not green!

but i dont need to tell you that :wink:

your right you dont need to tell me that i cant yet till its put right properley
Is this what killed off the Dinosaurs off? the rotting wood in the forests? Then its a good job the south americans are cutting down all the trees in the rain forests, to stop the rotting wood from poisoning us? or have i missed something possably that this was counteracted by dino wind and methane from the droppings???? :lol:
bigjim, iterestingly enough they recon that the next global warming issue will be the thawing of permafrost in areas of siberia which have been frozen for so long the still contain vegitation from the dinasaur era, when they thaw this will release millions of tons of methane and accelerate climate change! :(
PLANK said:
bigjim, iterestingly enough they recon that the next global warming issue will be the thawing of permafrost in areas of siberia which have been frozen for so long the still contain vegitation from the dinasaur era, when they thaw this will release millions of tons of methane and accelerate climate change! :(

cant we bottle the methane and run the trucks on them :wink:
again an interesting point, a few years ago a charity (cant rmember which) got backing to instal small methane plants in homes in india, the gas simply produced from animal dung was bottled and used to run gas stoves etc. so it is possibel to do this with any rotting waste, im not sure about running engines on it, but running homes on it would be a very good start!
So was i joking? :lol: but one of the land fill sites near us powers generators running purley on gas projuced from rotting waste from under the ground. so we already have the know how to harness such power.
and it would work for the environment on two levels, by reducing fossil fuel use, and reducing methane emmisions into the atmosphere but!

it doesnt work on the commodity level as it is too easy to produce, how do you control it and tax it and make people rich from it, and use it as a form of social control?

back to the ROAD TAX and esential y all tax, I know we have to pay some but this is at the expense of the environmrnt not to save it!