road tax

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supertaff said:
What makes you think we actually want a "Government of Wales"?
The first "Democratic" decission that the Welsh assembly actually made when they came into office was to award themselves an 8% payrise !!
I'm afraid that politicians, regardless of where in Britain or which party, have become "Don't do as I do, but do as I say" Merchants.
Are our politicians riding around in Nissan Micra's to save the environment ? or sitting in second class carriages on train journeys to save the poor taxpayer some cash, or flying on chartered flights ?
Look how they buy second homes in London, and expect us to furnish them and pay for their upkeep .... Give them Council flats, and charge them full rent !!
Had my little rant .... Blood pressure returning to normal ....pulse steadying !"!

Matt, I'm not aganst the population living in Wales (except when it comes to rugby......) but the current political situation is producing inequalities - agree with you that politicians are all cast from the same mould.
Road Tax

Trying not to let my blood pressure pop reading some of these comments, but is it any wonder scotland and wales wanted to go it alone after there industries being either privitised or closed down mainly by a english parliment.

Gas/electricity/hospitals/royal mail/bt everyone has been turned over by a goverment at some time still not happy about who's in power ask a miner or there communtiy.

Did i hear any englsh people shouting about an english pm ensuring that all raidoactive waste from power stations and other sites be brought to central & north scotland so as not to upset her voting public even although these convoys where running unmarked and through villages and towns past primary schools always during peak traffic so as no one questioned as to why vehicles were running on these roads in the early hours.

My point is if you want a tax guzzling 4x4 and enjoy it then stop the moaning about it cos as usual you will find the extra cash to do it just the same as if you smoke or drink regardless of who is in charge down there as we did when its an english man.... :x
I think that this is not a Scotish , Welsh, or English problem but a British one we can not anymore protest about anything if you strike you cant afford it, if you blockaid the fuel depots you are classed as breaking national security laws, MP ignore been lobbied by letter or E-Mail as noeadays they get so many, how can you get your point over to a deaf blind government? the opposition seem to listen but you bet your bottom dollar if they get in they will carry on the same, they dress thing up they told every one that they were giving family £20 child benifit generous no they are only in reality giving £1.80 extra wow £20 PA up £285 down when you take in the fact that water rates are up, council tax up 18%, every thing is costing more as the head of a large family i am struggling to survive it then pushes people to run on credit and then that starts another nasty cycle off with the econamy, help we are all drowning in taxes, what is the answer?
possably leave the country and become a entnic minority somewere else?
its an unreal goverment (all parties ) in clowd Cuckoo land
my m8 went to oz and never looked back,might join him....
Rumour has it that the UK is the laughing stock of europe,we pay for everything and everyone in the EEC community what does the french pay for or the polish they take the hand outs and it is more benifishal for them to live and work here they recieve enough in working tax credits to send it home and buy a house???
sorry guys this has gone totally off topic as far as i can see
in fact to far to bring it back on track.

this club really shouldnt be voicing political differncie leave that to the differnt parties in parliment.

this is is a owners website for us not them

just my thoughts
Robbo,I dont konw, i think road tax is politics!

and it does prove people are just not happy with the system we are in or any of the potential political leaders,

Thats something I am sure you will agree with!

we need a new direction, but to be hnest in the mean time all we can do, is keep our heads down, pay our taxes and get on with it. But as i said i believe voting is pointless.

if anyone wants to debate the social and political theories of power and our governments shift from 'legal-rational' to charismatic authority and its implications for a los of concensus and legitimacy, feel free by P.M. but i am sur eits a bit over the top for the thread :lol:
PLANK said:
what about no tuition fees for students in Scotland yet English students attending a scottish university have to pay, but not visa versa?

I agree it has all gone pear shaped, we allow so many millions of imigrants and then complain there in not enough housing and too many cars on the road!

what an earth is going on, I for one have had much more than enough!

But in real terms what can we do? voting is no answer, I think a mass abstention from voting would be more efectrive in the long term as the goverment would loose legitimacy.

but thats a long term answer

what can we do about things right now?

they have us over a barell, we cant afford to drive to protests, high property prices mean going on strike would leave mortgaes unpaid etc etc.


not just this quote(first one i come across) from you but others also
so i am not pointing the finger at anyone in particular but what has this to do with road tax???
I think that we have strayed from road tax, but the connection is obvious road tax is one of many taxes to be hicked by our govenment and also gov policys dictate directly into howmuch revenue that needs to be collected, so yes we have strayed but not as far as you might think? -offtopic- :lol:
looks like il be paying £400 a year ..1 thats il im short of.. :cry:
ROBO, i see you point mate and yet i dont?

its a free rangin conversation regarding the present overments new budet changes to road tax yes?

so if we are all happily discussing whats the problem other wise it would be a short an boring thread, yes?

In adition my comments are related, we all know its been a long time since road tax was spent on the roads yes?

so where does it go? they cant actualy use the money to fix the holes in the atmosphere, they arent planning any major reforestation programes with it are they?

no it more the ploitics of 'thou shalt not' tellong us we are all naughty and puniching our naughty cars

The point is what are they going to spend our £400+ per anum on?

or who and what are they going to subsidise with it? and will the rescipients be eco concious when they spend it?
as i said i am not pointing the finger at anyone's comment but i do believe this topic has lost the original plot and strayed
yes broadly speaking the road tax is politics as its the goverment who sets the amount so is a lot of other things we could talk about and do nowt about

i also agree until this system comes to the end and the new system is installed we just have to go along with it.
in summary two pints

1, whether or not it is off topic is debateable

2, even if we have wondered, no one has been offended and we are are all happy enough so dies it matter?

But the most important point of all

I think this subject is now done? we have all let of steam and now I suppose we can move on as we have concluded there realy is nothing else we can do :wink:
Just one parting shot before the thread is closed ... We know Westminister won't listen, but if all the 4x4 + large engined car clubs got together, possibly with the Transport industry's fuel tax protesters , and had a demonstration rally, driving in convoy around Westminister,culminating in handing in a petition to the politicians, such a show of force would have enormous impact.

supertaff said:
Just one parting shot before the thread is closed ... We know Westminister won't listen, but if all the 4x4 + large engined car clubs got together, possibly with the Transport industry's fuel tax protesters , and had a demonstration rally, driving in convoy around Westminister,culminating in handing in a petition to the politicians, such a show of force would have enormous impact.


Ken would love that, all that congestion charge.

Jim T
PLANK said:
in summary two pints

1, whether or not it is off topic is debateable

2, even if we have wondered, no one has been offended and we are are all happy enough so dies it matter?

But the most important point of all

I think this subject is now done? we have all let of steam and now I suppose we can move on as we have concluded there realy is nothing else we can do :wink:

mine a pint of guiness if your buying lol
Robbo ,it is certainly the right day for Guiness :wink:

perhaps we can share a can or two at wicksteed :?: and carry on putting the world to rights :smile:

Matts idea will never fly i for one cant afford the disel to drive to westminster LOL I'll confine my protesting to just whinging on here :evil: at leat its realistic and good value :wink: