road tax

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a road tax good news story!

not long gi you may remeber me mentioning we hve a citroen C1 less than a 1000 miles 57 plate, i have never even sat in it,

guess what the road tax is gong down from £35 to £20 per year!

now that mre than makes up for the £830 i will be paying for our 2 Grand Vitaras :?

Well I went & got my road tax on Tuesday & it was a £185 for the year :roll: My T2 is a late 1999 one so I would say that anyone with a truck the same age as mine or older you will be paying £185 for a year if that helps to put your minds to rest :smile:
Sweety said:
Well I went & got my road tax on Tuesday & it was a £185 for the year :roll: My T2 is a late 1999 one so I would say that anyone with a truck the same age as mine or older you will be paying £185 for a year if that helps to put your minds to rest :smile:

this confusion was the same last year and it panned out alright in the end
As far as i have read,mine will be going upto £210 for the year,it's only motors after2006 that will be hit with the new higher tax!! will see in june... :?
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news,but as previous posts have stated,if your Terrano or similar is post march 01,you WILL be paying £440 in 09/10!
The link to the Parkers website,someone posted earlier clears it up once and for all.
Mines an 03 and I dont like or need it that much to be paying that sort of extortion!
harajack has it right everyhting past and sometimes inclouding 'Y'plate and some shockers with what has gone up! and by how much! a small engine is not neccesarily a defence against the increases.

but notice how effectively the divide and conquer element of this has worked with half of us saying 'im all right jack' dont effect me/us

and half saying i will get rid of the truck

to the first half, lets hope your vehicles last forever then! and to those looking to change, what too? if you need a decent size car to say lug a family around or tow a caravan, look at parkers you wont be much if any better off if you change!

vw sharan people carrier £455
mondeo ghia £430
ford galaxy £430
vw polo 1.6 £310

if you panic sell your car as many will and loose say £1000 with a £200 increas it wil take 5 years to get back! and even they if your replacment car costs £310 maybe 10 years. So best bet is to grin and bear it! and help keep the resale values afloat.
Plank,you hit the nail right on the head,regarding the"I'm all right jack" mentality!
Only I was too polite to say!
Seriously though,there can be no going back now they have decided to force the "green" card.It spells the end for proper 4x4s and a whole lot of other so called ordinary cars.
As you say,they wont last forever.
The annoying thing is they are taxing us for the same thing twice, basically as we use more fuel we emit more hence more road tax, but hold on more fuel means we have already paid more fuel tax!

they want us to leave the car at home and take the bus or bike or walk, after we have paid over £400 for tax and then want us to leave it at home!

another home goal for the government!

anyway, only real choice is to bite the bullet and pay up! or emigrate, with very little in-between.
this may need some radicial voting to get the message across to the gov?
perhaps vote NF ? isnt that how hitler got in to power?
they have got us over a barrel and a resonable party needs to emerge perhaps the islamic front of leicester may reduce our taxes but what are the implications?
best keep voteing labour or conservative or waste a vote and vote libdem
you know it makes sense what ever you will continue to be ripped off? blinking green taxes :!: :?: :p
This is a silly question and i no I'm going to get shot down in flames!! :?
But seeing that i'm going to have the privalage of paying £440 in 09 and then £450 for the rest of my motors life,does this mean i have more right to be on the road than anybody paying less :roll: :lol: :lol:
cosmic said:
This is a silly question and i no I'm going to get shot down in flames!! :?
But seeing that i'm going to have the privalage of paying £440 in 09 and then £450 for the rest of my motors life,does this mean i have more right to be on the road than anybody paying less :roll: :lol: :lol:

No but it means you have even more reason to drive your truck on greenlanes :lol: :lol: :wink:
i thnk you have hit the nail on the head 'divide and rule' first split of the extreme ends the really expensive and the really green, then break up the big middle bunch

upper. middel and lower -- sound familiar?

each change a couple of years apart

it will be the older vehicles next, wait and see, but by then all us who have allready paid will have no sympathy!

its not for the environment its just 'big-brother' type social control

Voting what on earth for? we live in a country where elections are merely old boys networks and popularity contests, not sleections of the best person for the job,

example- I knew a man 'abdul kadus' whilw working as a local government economic regeneration officer, he tried to use asociation with me to get himself elected from an ex machine minder living on 'claims direct' compensaiton for an arm injury to local councilor, andyway his tactics secured the local muslim vote and that was enough to get him elected, unfortunately he became involved on passport cormes and went to jail. However if he had acted more wisely he could have been an MP.

and like all others would have no knowledge or understanding of the dynamics of society!

On the other hand i have made this my lifes work, and have a lot of (probably usless) qualifications that have taken years of study far more years than a medical doctor or surgeon, but still when it comes to the workings of society people would rather listen to the bloke down the pub or read the sun, go worl that out? its a strange world?

But beleive me in the words of the Manic Street Preachers - " if you tolerate this then your children will be next!"
PLANK said:
But believe me in the words of the Manic Street Preachers - " if you tolerate this then your children will be next!"

Well said that man!! :lol: :lol:
PLANK said:
harajack has it right everyhting past and sometimes inclouding 'Y'plate and some shockers with what has gone up! and by how much! a small engine is not neccesarily a defence against the increases.

but notice how effectively the divide and conquer element of this has worked with half of us saying 'im all right jack' dont effect me/us

and half saying i will get rid of the truck

to the first half, lets hope your vehicles last forever then! and to those looking to change, what too? if you need a decent size car to say lug a family around or tow a caravan, look at parkers you wont be much if any better off if you change!

vw sharan people carrier £455
mondeo ghia £430
ford galaxy £430
vw polo 1.6 £310

if you panic sell your car as many will and loose say £1000 with a £200 increas it wil take 5 years to get back! and even they if your replacment car costs £310 maybe 10 years. So best bet is to grin and bear it! and help keep the resale values afloat.

well i just taxed the pug 406 estate 2.2 diesel 53 plate £170 for the year and its big enough to pull the van
cosmic said:
This is a silly question and i no I'm going to get shot down in flames!! :?
But seeing that i'm going to have the privalage of paying £440 in 09 and then £450 for the rest of my motors life,does this mean i have more right to be on the road than anybody paying less :roll: :lol: :lol:

I'm afraid I'll be taking this attitude when anyone deals me the "green" argument, especially as I'm running with SVO/diesel mixture.
robbobone, i think you have hilighted the stupid and random nature of the new tax system!

its fine if you have a car that fits the new brackes but not if you dont!

unfortunately the veg oil argument doesnt hold water as it is not and environmentaly sound alternative in many ways, and basicaly produces no less co2 than diesel, the rin forest is being cut down to produce palm oil for bio fuels, and the production of crops for bio fuels threatens to throw the economies of several third world countries into turm'oil' (pardon the pun) and leave millions in a starvation level of poverty!

the so called 'greeenies' also makes me sick, i have an aquaintance, who drives a little renault and looks down his nose at our cars quoting his green credentials and talks with pride of his tree hugging vegitarian family, so his car is less poluting than mine? maybe? but he does 3 times the miles.

he lives in a solid brick walled victorian 3 floor house with wooden single glazed windows and holidays via long haul fligts i new zeland.

experts recon one long haul flight crates as much. per capita, polution as runniing an a verage family car for 7 years.

its time we stopped picking on the easy targets and looked at the big picture!
robbobone, i think you have hilighted the stupid and random nature of the new tax system

thanks plank but god knows how :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
i agree(not very often) with the fact many of the Green Brigade only pick on easy targets but the goverment load the gun and they fire it.

people will always defend what they want to defend at the time it suits them now i dont own a gas gussler all i can say i will remain loyal

DOWN WITH 4X4'Sonly kidding miss mine already
PLANK said:
robbobone, i think you have hilighted the stupid and random nature of the new tax system!

its fine if you have a car that fits the new brackes but not if you dont!

unfortunately the veg oil argument doesnt hold water as it is not and environmentaly sound alternative in many ways, and basicaly produces no less co2 than diesel, the rin forest is being cut down to produce palm oil for bio fuels, and the production of crops for bio fuels threatens to throw the economies of several third world countries into turm'oil' (pardon the pun) and leave millions in a starvation level of poverty!

the so called 'greeenies' also makes me sick, i have an aquaintance, who drives a little renault and looks down his nose at our cars quoting his green credentials and talks with pride of his tree hugging vegitarian family, so his car is less poluting than mine? maybe? but he does 3 times the miles.

he lives in a solid brick walled victorian 3 floor house with wooden single glazed windows and holidays via long haul fligts i new zeland.

experts recon one long haul flight crates as much. per capita, polution as runniing an a verage family car for 7 years.

its time we stopped picking on the easy targets and looked at the big picture!

Veggie oil is carbon neutral though ie the CO2 it produces when used as a fuel is the same as the CO2 it took in as a crop - so there is a benefit that it isn't removing fuel from beneath the earth and relaesing CO2 taken in millions of years ago. Palm oil as a fuel is a no goer - its a solid at even quite high temps ie room temp. Yes, there is an issue of misuse of crops & land to provide biofuels in developing countries, however the sources of rapeseed & sunflower oil are largely north america & europe, so are not likely to be influencing outcomes too greatly in the third world.

The govt wants to increase the use of biofuels, but is removing the tax releif in 2010 - so using biodiesel would cost the same as dinodiesel - perhaps the fact they want to increase biofuel ussage has got something to do with removing the tax "relief"???
JonathanM said:
PLANK said:
robbobone, i think you have hilighted the stupid and random nature of the new tax system!

its fine if you have a car that fits the new brackes but not if you dont!

unfortunately the veg oil argument doesnt hold water as it is not and environmentaly sound alternative in many ways, and basicaly produces no less co2 than diesel, the rin forest is being cut down to produce palm oil for bio fuels, and the production of crops for bio fuels threatens to throw the economies of several third world countries into turm'oil' (pardon the pun) and leave millions in a starvation level of poverty!

the so called 'greeenies' also makes me sick, i have an aquaintance, who drives a little renault and looks down his nose at our cars quoting his green credentials and talks with pride of his tree hugging vegitarian family, so his car is less poluting than mine? maybe? but he does 3 times the miles.

he lives in a solid brick walled victorian 3 floor house with wooden single glazed windows and holidays via long haul fligts i new zeland.

experts recon one long haul flight crates as much. per capita, polution as runniing an a verage family car for 7 years.

its time we stopped picking on the easy targets and looked at the big picture!

Veggie oil is carbon neutral though ie the CO2 it produces when used as a fuel is the same as the CO2 it took in as a crop - so there is a benefit that it isn't removing fuel from beneath the earth and relaesing CO2 taken in millions of years ago. Palm oil as a fuel is a no goer - its a solid at even quite high temps ie room temp. Yes, there is an issue of misuse of crops & land to provide biofuels in developing countries, however the sources of rapeseed & sunflower oil are largely north america & europe, so are not likely to be influencing outcomes too greatly in the third world.

The govt wants to increase the use of biofuels, but is removing the tax releif in 2010 - so using biodiesel would cost the same as dinodiesel - perhaps the fact they want to increase biofuel ussage has got something to do with removing the tax "relief"???

Sorry mate but on nthis you are wrong! most veg oil crops are not 'neutral' they only absorb a fraction of the co2 they create by burning and all and i emphasise all veg oil crops result in a huge amount of waste methane being created as the remainder of the plant not used for veg oil (in the case of soya 80% of the plant) has to go somewhere and often is left to rot! this damages the environment up to 26 times more than co2!

The fact that a lot of the srops used are impacting the food chain also proves that they are not growing enough to even begin to change the co2 impact even if it were feasible, which unfortunately it is not!

The 'neutral' argument just doesnt wash, the only advantage to veg oil is that for the moment you save a bit of cash! Not the planet!

As for the third world the impact on their economies (and potoential poverty and famine as a result of massive inflation)is allready being hilighted by the BBC world news service so it is no mystery!

Robbo, you new car will tow your caravan better on a road than your mistral did, lets hope you never have to go on wet grass though :lol