road tax

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robobone said:
i think we are missing he point a bit i save expense of tyres when not needed.

no mate not missing the point at all, of course tax increases will catch up with us all eventualy, but my point was we could all make the same kind of inroads on our countries emmissions targets by changing small things. But, it would not improve revenue for the government probably reduce it as we would all spend less therefore spen less tax!

the bikes i was aiming at are not your littel comuter but the big bikes that seat 1 use more fuel than a fairly large car and run around in gangs just for fun!

so when the middle aged 'born again racer' chooses to go out with his mates on 'super bikes' for a hobby between the 3 or 4 of them they do more damage and use a lot more fule than a family in a 4x4 and pay a lot less tax!

This is of course without mentioning the strain on the health service and insurance industires etc caused by hight levels of accidents!

and off course the other end of the scale the millions of little mini moto bikes that plague estates pay no tax and kick out any amount of filth as they have no tax or mot at all!

NOW, if i were to go on I would point out that, quite rightly that the medias focus on 4x4's is for two reasons (there are other equaly poluting cars) one they are easy to spot, and 2 the vast majority of people have no real use for them for either 'work'rest or play' and merely ride around burnig fuel for nowt!

Unfortunately hammering 4x4's in particular, as well as motorists in general, is a pet subject of the city dwelling young 'greenies' who wizz around on mountain bikes and thnk we should all do the same! How do you do that if you live in a rural area and have 3 kids? or are elderly or dissabled and for many other reasons rely on private motorised transport!

but at the end of the dy the onlyway to continue 'economic growth' is to continue to extract more and more of our cash for govermnet funded stuff! and should we realy be arguing or merely 'rendering unto cesar that which is cesar's?' as no matter what we say or do or how rediculous the environmental calims and aims, we wont and cant do anything about it!

To be honest I have come the the conclusion that if i could manage the tasks we do as a family each day with a small economical car i woud buy one like a shot, and the sooner people who can do without, start doing without the sooner people who cant will get left alone!
Soprry to nit pick but this topic might be in the wrong forum i.e this is ebay section and this should be in pub chat just thinking out loud.


(Moved to general by Mav.
Thanks Ernie,
Cannot belive it took this long for us to notice it!)
but at the end of the dy the onlyway to continue 'economic growth' is to continue to extract more and more of our cash for govermnet funded stuff! and should we realy be arguing or merely 'rendering unto cesar that which is cesar's?' as no matter what we say or do or how rediculous the environmental calims and aims, we wont and cant do anything about it!

youve looking at the bible i see :wink:
dont get me wrong a lot of what you say i agree with esp mini mokes they should all be crushed on import the goverment allow them to come into the country snd then complain when there used.

most "born againbikers" as you call them for a lot its there main mode of transport and to be realistic they are not as damaging to the envorioment as large family cars.(hybrid and lpg excluded) and dont we churn out unneeded emmissions when we go on our hobby of green laning or off roading
i dont think the goverment wants to stop enjoying ourselves as stated before there trying to hit the chelsea tractors

and as for cost to the nhs for motor bike accidents i feel is a little unfair as there are more accidents on our roads involving cars than bikes and in the majority of cases its car owners cause motor bike accidents.

i do however agree if you can get away with a smaller car do so our household use the wifes agila for most of the about town journeys but use the mistral for the hard work like towing the caravan somehow i think the agila wouldnt cope :lol:
by the way do you know what context 'rendering unto cesar that which is cesar's?' is written in the bible?
hello again,

in the majority of cases its car owners cause motor bike accidents.

sorry cant agree i drive all day most days and see some apauling motorbike riding i could give examples but wont, a colision takes two and i never see cars overtaking colums of traffic at lights or riding down the middle of the road etc. Im not saying its never cars fault but at worst it has to be 50 50 and as an off the cuff answer i would give it 60 40 in cars favour! might be one to discuss ff line though as its a bit long winded and clumsy on here!

and yes im confident with the context, I spent a cuple of years studying scripture with witneses also, king james, american standard, book or mormon, etc etc as a social scientist comparative religeon/faith is one of my interests. I threw it in as i knew you would seemy point! :wink: I must admit i am a christian only in the sense of cultural christianity, in that my life has been shaped by christianity in its many forms sonce birth but, I do use the words of the bible in my daily descision making process's and find jesus a great example too us all, I am also constantly amazed at how the more you listen and learn of his work the more it seems to open up to you and the more you get from it. But i am confident this is another point on which we will agree :wink:
I am not tory, as with religion i am atheist, i take all on there merits, but i cant find any on all of the parties. tory, labour, lib dems, they are all out for themselves, they are all liers and cheats. i have not voted properley for years... i just go along tick all the boxes so as to spoil the ballot paper and it cant be counted... thats my way of showing my displeasure with our government and the system it opperates under..

As for the government trying to tax large vehicles off the road, the owners of chelsea tractors get paid vast and obscene amounts of money. they then get paid vast and obscene bonuses. so you want to tax a very rich person off the road... dream on... they will still have there chelsea tractors when the rest of us are on bikes as we cant afford to buy a car let alone tax it....
i will take a look now!

though i think we best leave our sub-thread there as it is an issue too big for the thread and would never end, glad to see we see eye to eye on a few things :smile:
road tax rip-off

Anything first registered after march 2001,and emitting 255+g/km co2,will pay £440 ! as of 2009/10,rising to £455 the following year.
see the AA website for clear indication of the new tax bands.
Total disaster!
Just been surfing it looks as if my 2001 Terrano (emits 263kg) car tax will be band M from 2009 costing me £440 rising to £445 for 2010-2011, cant seem to locate anything for cars registered before March 2001.
thor said:

have a look 8O

just looked but it appears this reffers to the tax system as it stands today rather than after the proposed changes :(
supertaff said:
Well that explains it then ..... If your truck was pre- 2001 the road tax would be a little cheaper than a post 2001.
That's about the long and the short of it pre 2001 on the old tax system post 2001 on the emissions system so us poor folks with ols clapped out 4x4's dont get affected as much :lol:

I'm not sure what will happen to pre 2001 vehicles, as I don't think they had officially recorded CO2 emissions, therefore couldn't be suitably classified.

sooner we loose the scots from running england, the better. Its all very well having devolution for Scotland, Wales, & Northern ireland, but currently the bulk of the population (living in england) are loosing out funding the decisions being made by the devolved states that rely on central funding. Free prescriptions in wales, better public service pay deals for two spring to mind.

next thing you know the devolved states will probably have their own car tax systems, at a lower rate than england, but with central govt paying for road improveemnts etc.

This isn't being racist, stateist, or aythign else-ist. Just annoyed that wales et al have their own decision maiing processes in the interests of those living there, while in england our decisions are effectively controlled by an unelected scottish prime minister, representing a scottish seat. How just.
what about no tuition fees for students in Scotland yet English students attending a scottish university have to pay, but not visa versa?

I agree it has all gone pear shaped, we allow so many millions of imigrants and then complain there in not enough housing and too many cars on the road!

what an earth is going on, I for one have had much more than enough!

But in real terms what can we do? voting is no answer, I think a mass abstention from voting would be more efectrive in the long term as the goverment would loose legitimacy.

but thats a long term answer

what can we do about things right now?

they have us over a barell, we cant afford to drive to protests, high property prices mean going on strike would leave mortgaes unpaid etc etc.
Any govt has got us over a barrell, but surely a change at the top - with a PM elected by the population - would allow a review of some of the less popular decisions made by the current govt.

As far as road tax, so long as I can afford to pay it, I'll run my wagon - anyone who tries any "green" rubbish my way will get short shrift - I'm paying more tax for the priveldge!!!!
What makes you think we actually want a "Government of Wales"?
The first "Democratic" decission that the Welsh assembly actually made when they came into office was to award themselves an 8% payrise !!
I'm afraid that politicians, regardless of where in Britain or which party, have become "Don't do as I do, but do as I say" Merchants.
Are our politicians riding around in Nissan Micra's to save the environment ? or sitting in second class carriages on train journeys to save the poor taxpayer some cash, or flying on chartered flights ?
Look how they buy second homes in London, and expect us to furnish them and pay for their upkeep .... Give them Council flats, and charge them full rent !!
Had my little rant .... Blood pressure returning to normal ....pulse steadying !"!