Well a very disappointing day, got it all back together about 1.30 and the moment I turned the key, my heart sank, it spun over like a petrol engine with no spark plugs, it did start OK but road test says it is the same as before I stripped it, a mate suggested the valve springs are weak, I can only comment as said in an earlier post that my springs measured 10mm longer than stated in the manual and I put this down to the lack of "rotators" at the bottom, I just have two plain washers, on for the inner spring and one for the outer, I have no dimensions for the rotator but comparison on the drawing I would say they are about 10mm thick, at least I only have to pull the camshaft now to gain access to the followers and springs, checking out springs now as I know there are two lengths so need to get the correct ones but would not mind betting only one size is listed, the only good news is the turbo hits 6 psi stationary, Rick