Swap your 88 degree stat for a new one that open quicker at 82 degrees, replenish the coolant, full drain and replace with the green coolant, and replace the cabin filter, then come back and tell me they are naff!!!!!
If the thermostat opens quicker, the interior heater will never get as warm as it did, as the main cooling rad will be taking the heat away earlier.
When really cold I have a rectangular plywood piece I fit behind the upper plastic grill.
Remove plastic grill, I pick up on the M6 threaded nut halfway down the vertical section, between the slam plate and the lower cross section.
Takes a minute to fix after you remove the front plastic grill, the clips on my 1995 Mav can be a challenge, especially the middle one, but a screwdriver pressing on the inside releases the whole clip, as the inner plastic screw can be accessed on the four outer ones, 45 degrees one way:nenau and they undo, the middle one is behind the Ford badge. But doable,
Paint it matt black, you can't see it.:thumb2
You still have the lower section to allow air to go through the Rad.
In a similar way, this can be covered too...:thumb2
Never had any over heat issues:thumb2