Racism in Britain today.

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Well said that man! and all this blaming the immigrants for everything is proof of the propaganda 'divide-em-and-rule' tactics working!

when we had threads on the fuel crisis, the racists jumped in banging on about immigration then and i made the same point.

it's time to pack in all this divisive nonsense and concentrate on mutually important issues.

A tongue in cheek P.S. that £1.75 a liter story, wasn't in the paper was it? don't believe everything you read :augie

i dont read newspapers .... i listen to radio 2 , but still only listen . i make my own opinions lol
im all for a free debate , but one thing concerns me about the possible implications of engaging in a illegal activity ... ie inciting racial hatred ...... im not sure of the implications of that collectively as a forum.... i suspect that in the worse case scenario the forum could be closed down , but i dunno , im not trying to be dramatic im just trying to make people aware of the possible implications..... none of us want that to happen to this great forum surely ? .... im sure someone in the know will either dismiss or confirm my fears

if you dont allow discussions about peoples views . are you not removing peoples right to speak , or think .

discussions and talking ... is learning

and to be fair to everyone tolerance of peoples views and beliefs is being shown here partly . so everyone is learning
it would seem to me no matter what colour/race the sailor was he was gonna get a kicking and the very fact he walked away from 20 lads suposedly beating on him says three things he was as hard as nails,they were crap fighters or the asault was grossly over hyped to make prosecuting force seem hard on race crime.

You really really dont want to take in whats written do you :doh:doh


They shouted "Paki" at him.


They fought with him

Then consider:

[FONT=&quot]Section 28 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 provides a definition of the term 'racially or religiously aggravated' for the purposes of [/FONT][FONT=&quot]section 29[/FONT][FONT=&quot] (aggravated assaults), [/FONT][FONT=&quot]section 30[/FONT][FONT=&quot] (aggravated criminal damage), [/FONT][FONT=&quot]section 31[/FONT][FONT=&quot] (aggravated public order) and [/FONT][FONT=&quot]section 32[/FONT][FONT=&quot] (aggravated harassment). [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]28(1) An offence is racially or religiously aggravated for the purposes of sections 29 to 32 if-[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot](a) at the time of committing the offence, or immediately before or after doing so, the offender demonstrates towards the victim of the offence hostility based on the victim's membership (or presumed membership) of a racial or religious group; or
(b) the offence is motivated (wholly or partly) by hostility towards members of a racial or religious group based on their membership of that group.[/FONT]

So whats pimped up , ambiguous or anything to do with anyone being "a crap fighter" in there :nenau
they shouted paki coz he was indian if hed have been white they could have shouted w*nker or sommat like that my point was it couldve been anyone the poor chap just happend to be in wrong place at wrong time,20 drunken lads full of it anyones gonna get it.
the fact he was taken away alive makes me suspect it wasnt a serios asault but shock etc kickin in caused his heart atack later on,which killed him a complication of the attack not the actual attack.
unlike the white chap who went out to remonstrate with some yobbos outside his house and was kicked to death no heartatack for that poor sod.
just so i dont get dizzy , can we stick to one thread with a similar debate ... my poor mouse is wizzing about like mad :rolleyes:
they shouted paki coz he was indian if hed have been white they could have shouted w*nker or sommat like that my point was it couldve been anyone the poor chap just happend to be in wrong place at wrong time,20 drunken lads full of it anyones gonna get it.
the fact he was taken away alive makes me suspect it wasnt a serios asault but shock etc kickin in caused his heart atack later on,which killed him a complication of the attack not the actual attack.
unlike the white chap who went out to remonstrate with some yobbos outside his house and was kicked to death no heartatack for that poor sod.

This is hard work.

Effectively youre talking bollocks based on presumptions.

Principally which bit of calling someone "paki" do you not see as potentially racist ???????? which bit of giving him a kicking dont you see as an assault???????????

and which bit of the two combined do you fail to see (Ive posted the staute for you) as a racially motivated attack ? IRRESPECTIVE of all other speculative points !!!!!!!!!!!!!

All the other bits are speculation, its not what happened nor is it what would have definitely happened. Your argument could easily be negated by saying the white person attacked could have been a first dan with his mates round the corner (i used to go out on the piss from the judo club and two of our mates national and international competitors) ........see what i mean :thumb2
ok ill keep it simple for you yes it was an asault the fact is if you or i were there it could well of been us the poor chap was in the wrong place at wrong time i do not differentiate between races a life is a life how is his life worth any more than yours or mine?
a life is a life how is his life worth any more than yours or mine?

Where did anyone even intimate that ??????????????

The convicted individuals effectively committed 2 offences on this occasion.

They assaulted him then aggravated it by racial hatred. Easy really.

If you were assaulted youd want a conviction for assault against the individual.

If they emptied your pockets and took your car and wallet you'd want them doing for that too.

They would be. Robbery. Effectively assault and theft :nenau

A conviction is a conviction. Doesnt mater what offences it takes to get them sent down.

As I said way back, the racial part was not brought in as a crowd pleaser . there was a real need for it in our green and pleasant land thanks to the bigots and thick heads.
ok ill keep it simple for you yes it was an asault the fact is if you or i were there it could well of been us the poor chap was in the wrong place at wrong time i do not differentiate between races a life is a life how is his life worth any more than yours or mine?


and that includes everyone on benefits whether black white or somewhere in between.

everyone who comes here seeking a better life ... (see above)

and in fact everyone everywhere - Jace your life and mine are worth no more or less than anyone huddled in a a makeshift shack in a shanty town in Calais!

and that is why i am not a racist and racism is WRONG!

we have issues with our government, past and present, so lets focus on that and drop the racism.

Jace - I believe you are deep down not a bigot and not a racist, just one of the people swayed by the media frenzy and the simplistic logic of groups like the EDL. It takes good people like us to see this is wrong and to stand up to it before anything will change.
im not a lawyer but im sure they are suposed to claim asylum at first safe eu country they come to and that sure aint good ol blighty! were seen as soft touch i dont care if there white,black, or pink with green spots kick em out and im sory but you wanna burn poppys at a home coming for troops (troops not politicians theres a difference!) who are trying and dying to make there islamic brothers and sisters safe you forfeited your right to live here GET OUT feel so strongly britains culture is wrong that you wanna blow yourself and inocent people up GET OUT go to a country where they would stone you to death if you even dared draw a cartoon of allah same goes if your a sikh who tried to burn down cinema for highlighting incest in your comunity or atack a gathering at a temple because wine was being served in same room as the holy book bugger off we dont need that leave the irish to fend for themselves they wanna be seperate fine raise your own money stop taking english money same for scotland and wales.
im not a lawyer but im sure they are suposed to claim asylum at first safe eu country they come to and that sure aint good ol blighty! were seen as soft touch i dont care if there white,black, or pink with green spots kick em out and im sory but you wanna burn poppys at a home coming for troops (troops not politicians theres a difference!) who are trying and dying to make there islamic brothers and sisters safe you forfeited your right to live here GET OUT feel so strongly britains culture is wrong that you wanna blow yourself and inocent people up GET OUT go to a country where they would stone you to death if you even dared draw a cartoon of allah same goes if your a sikh who tried to burn down cinema for highlighting incest in your comunity or atack a gathering at a temple because wine was being served in same room as the holy book bugger off we dont need that leave the irish to fend for themselves they wanna be seperate fine raise your own money stop taking english money same for scotland and wales.

A few full stops would have helped in that mate!

but there are so many political issues between here and an asylum seekers country of origin, you are going to need an understanding of international asylum law to understand that statement. It's to complicated for here.

This is just getting embarrassing now :eek:
its an easy fix take afghanistan build power plants,sewage,water works etc give them jobs here standard of life goes up they wanna watch jeremy vile and laugh at us western pigs instead of killing each other once countrys prosperous they can show us a thing or two like every other bugger has done lol
im not a lawyer but im sure they are suposed to claim asylum at first safe eu country they come to and that sure aint good ol blighty! were seen as soft touch i dont care if there white,black, or pink with green spots kick em out and im sory but you wanna burn poppys at a home coming for troops (troops not politicians theres a difference!) who are trying and dying to make there islamic brothers and sisters safe you forfeited your right to live here GET OUT feel so strongly britains culture is wrong that you wanna blow yourself and inocent people up GET OUT go to a country where they would stone you to death if you even dared draw a cartoon of allah same goes if your a sikh who tried to burn down cinema for highlighting incest in your comunity or atack a gathering at a temple because wine was being served in same room as the holy book bugger off we dont need that leave the irish to fend for themselves they wanna be seperate fine raise your own money stop taking english money same for scotland and wales.

Wow. Referring to an earlier post, Jace, did you really infer that Hitler had some good points? Just for the record....
im sure he did and im sure his mother loved him lol,i was saying you could argue ww1 and ww2 were racist towards germany who were sucked in by a mad man much like this country by tony biar and gearge bush!
im sure he did and im sure his mother loved him lol,i was saying you could argue ww1 and ww2 were racist towards germany who were sucked in by a mad man much like this country by tony biar and gearge bush!

:doh the penny has just dropped, this is a wind up isn't it? now i see it it's quite funny :thumbs
im sure he did and im sure his mother loved him lol,i was saying you could argue ww1 and ww2 were racist towards germany who were sucked in by a mad man much like this country by tony biar and gearge bush!

You mean that there were people swayed by his racist propoganda! Couldn't happen here could it. :augie