Racism in Britain today.

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depends do you believe war in iraq/afghanistan is right? if you do or voted for labour you were sucked in! i was not.
i dont see whats racist about not wanting undesirable people in this country claiming they cant go home because theyll be killed but campaining against this country.
maybe abu hamza as a house guest? or maybe invite these chaps round for spot of lunch?
<iframe title="YouTube video player" class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/cetGUdada8g" frameborder="0" allowFullScreen></iframe>
holy shit.



Germany the victims of racism? WTF? Hitler started the war with his racist ways. Fact. The German people, well, they have nothing to do with it, do they? It was between the politicians, and the army, whatever the population thought during the war is irrelevent.

this has to be a giggle?? surely?
depends do you believe war in iraq/afghanistan is right? if you do or voted for labour you were sucked in! i was not.
i dont see whats racist about not wanting undesirable people in this country claiming they cant go home because theyll be killed but campaining against this country.
maybe abu hamza as a house guest? or maybe invite these chaps round for spot of lunch?
<iframe title="YouTube video player" class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/cetGUdada8g" frameborder="0" allowFullScreen></iframe>

do you believe the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are justified????? Perhaps you could explain the benefits then...?

and what about a bit of media balance....


holy shit.



Germany the victims of racism? WTF? Hitler started the war with his racist ways. Fact. The German people, well, they have nothing to do with it, do they? It was between the politicians, and the army, whatever the population thought during the war is irrelevent.

this has to be a giggle?? surely?

My feelings entirely! and the fact that the some of same ethic minorities that were affected badly Ay both world wars are still being pushed from pillar to post today by both the asylum system, and the refusal of some EU member states to recognise their right to travel live and work in the EU only compounds this outrage.

If it wasn't funny - it would be frightening :eek:
if you read it properly i dont think the two wars are justified and are based on lies spun by bliar and bush the idea of enriching there lives and raising there living standars would seem a good way of turning them against al queda and taliban.
so im right aplying the definition of racisym means the wars could be considered racist towards the germans who were just puppets in hitlers game its only took several answers on same thing lol.
and if some eu states refuse them leave why is britain not taking them to the court of human rights for failing in there duty to acept and protect them from harm,there fore every immagrant here on asylum grounds is here illegally and should be returned to 1st eu state they passed through en route!
and no one has exsplained to me why the peole in u tube vid are welcome here and if theyd invite them round for tea and biscuits or do all you liberal love em alls think burning poppys and shouting during rememberance day parades for the peole that got them there rights to say such stuff.

being German isn't a 'race' it's a nationality, and to suggest the German people were the victims in the second world war is a bit much. Though i can see where you are coming from, they were the victims of right wing propaganda, in much the same way as EDL and BNP members are today. Fundamentalist brainwashing obviously still works, the same way it is working on some Islamic people.

Quote Jace"and if some eu states refuse them leave why is britain not taking them to the court of human rights for failing in there duty to acept and protect"

A valid point, a complex issue too, but that points to what i have been saying all along - the governments of the world and their policies are to blame for many present problems, blaming people doesn't help and merely helps governments dodge their responsibilities.

And i agree some of the people here in Britain have no rights to be here, and the law may be failing us in not enforcing that. Burning Poppies is a disgrace (as is burning the Koran) and people who do such things should be punished - people who don't shouldn't and that includes many law abiding Muslims!
so i am racist but you are not but you now agree these kindve peole have no right to be here and you wouldnt want them round for dinner anytime soon kindve proves i was right all along everybody has a bit of racisym in them.
edl non racist org and has booted people off its facebook pages for using the word paki a word i see as an abreviation/slang term.
its like the word nigger commonly used in rap songs(commonly found blasting outve teenage sons bedroom ) and movies yet slammed as racist double standards.
my work here is done i have proved myself correct!
so i am racist but you are not but you now agree these kindve peole have no right to be here and you wouldnt want them round for dinner anytime soon kindve proves i was right all along everybody has a bit of racisym in them.
edl non racist org and has booted people off its facebook pages for using the word paki a word i see as an abreviation/slang term.
its like the word nigger commonly used in rap songs(commonly found blasting outve teenage sons bedroom ) and movies yet slammed as racist double standards.
my work here is done i have proved myself correct!

No i have no racism in me at all mate - I've been the victim of enough of that to know how it feels!

My pint is i don't think criminals should be allowed here, and people who stir up trouble an hatred should either. If they are British subjects they should be punished, if from overseas punished (and where appropriate) sent back home.

you work has not proved you correct at all, just proved you are confused and misguided.

the EDL are a bunch of clowns, and represent the thin end of the wedge - if their war is with Islam them spread the word of Christianity, support the C of E. I watched a bunch of EDL thugs shouting abuse at an elderly Sikh man! says it all doesn't it?

The 'N' word and the 'P' word are unacceptable - agreed. And double standards - Agreed. I have had this conversation only a few days ago with a group of police officers and Pakistani Asian people. And we all agreed!

It seems to be you who are jumping at everything being 'racist' and confuse many issues with each other - and that (i repeat) is all you have proved!)

You have made some valid points, and your heart is in the right place, there are many injustices in society - but it is important to lay the blame at the right door not just keep banging on all these messages of hate, Muslims, Pakistanis, Asylum seekers, The royal family, I'm sure there are more, but you see my point.

incidentally the 'P' word has a completely different origin and meaning to that most people assume.
i proved my point you wrote exactly what i have been saying lol
edl is not a racist org it may have ome followers that sre but so does islam,the difference being as yet no edl person has walked into a crowded tube/bus and blown themselves up! or posted videos on you tube for people worldwide to hunt down and kill a cartoonist who drew a silly cartoon so slight difference.
as i said you have agreed virtualy word for word so i have proven my point,my work is done lol!
You stupid people !

I fell upon this thread and read as much as I could before it made me feel sick.

I just can't believe there are still people around with some of these stupid backward opinions. For christ sake this is not the seventies. Those of you with these disgusting views on race relations will one day be a victim of your own hatred, if you haven't already. Sure there are muslims who hate westerners. Sure there are black people who hate whites. I hate them as much for their stupid hatred, but I hate them as individuals, not as a race.

I've seen teenagers attack older folk and I hate them for doing so but I don't hate teenagers.

I find this sort of blind stupid hatred pathetic. Most of you idiots with these ideas clearly can't tell the difference between races because they have similar coloured skin so they are all the same. Do you hate other white people. French, Russian, women.

Please don't try and justify your opinions by claiming to be patriotic. I love my country but I don't act like a backward fool because of it.

There has been comments posted about how different other races are treated in this country, by this country, and how unfair that is and how we should hate everyone of different race. Let me remind you, it was people with your racial hatred that started all this decades ago. These laws of protection have been put there to protect them from racialist morons. I agree it is over the top now and I agree there are plenty that will and do abuse our system, so just think for a minute how responsible you and your like are for the system we have. If you moved to a land of plenty and were offered the same deal, are you saying you wouldn't take it.

Of course, some of you will disagree with my views and you are perfectly entitled to do so, and good for you for living in a country that tolerates people like you.

Let me finish with one question for this club. Why are people who express their offences racist views on your site allowed to stay members?
another one who wont or cant be bothered to read, now where have i called anyone offensive names etc? i have called for people who hate this country and its sensible ocupants to sod off no matter what colour/race they are,people who want sharia law to stone people to death,people who think it correct to burn poppys on remeberence day or walk onto trains/busses blow themselves and others to bits or is that aceptable in your version of england?
and to cap it all plank who has disagreed all along comes out with same statement!
Mikey, that's telling it like it is mate :thumb2

Though i do think staying members, and friends, is positive as if not it will merely entrench their views that it's all 'PC gone mad' and 'immigrant loving' the the likes of the EDL will be free to work on them with no balanced opposite view for them to consider.

SO i vote no to racism and yes to open debate and discussion in a safe environment with the hope exploding some of the myths and lies that support racist views :thumb2
9/11 myth,july 7th myth, glasgow airport myth these were racist acts as they were directed against the british public for who the poppy symbolises the fight of my grandad and co to get these idiots the right to protest on english streets,would you be allowed to do simlair in iran,china for example no !
I fell upon this thread and read as much as I could before it made me feel sick.

I just can't believe there are still people around with some of these stupid backward opinions. For christ sake this is not the seventies. Those of you with these disgusting views on race relations will one day be a victim of your own hatred, if you haven't already. Sure there are muslims who hate westerners. Sure there are black people who hate whites. I hate them as much for their stupid hatred, but I hate them as individuals, not as a race.

I've seen teenagers attack older folk and I hate them for doing so but I don't hate teenagers.

I find this sort of blind stupid hatred pathetic. Most of you idiots with these ideas clearly can't tell the difference between races because they have similar coloured skin so they are all the same. Do you hate other white people. French, Russian, women.

Please don't try and justify your opinions by claiming to be patriotic. I love my country but I don't act like a backward fool because of it.

There has been comments posted about how different other races are treated in this country, by this country, and how unfair that is and how we should hate everyone of different race. Let me remind you, it was people with your racial hatred that started all this decades ago. These laws of protection have been put there to protect them from racialist morons. I agree it is over the top now and I agree there are plenty that will and do abuse our system, so just think for a minute how responsible you and your like are for the system we have. If you moved to a land of plenty and were offered the same deal, are you saying you wouldn't take it.

Of course, some of you will disagree with my views and you are perfectly entitled to do so, and good for you for living in a country that tolerates people like you.

Let me finish with one question for this club. Why are people who express their offences racist views on your site allowed to stay members?

to be honest we were having an interesting debate, (maybe not to every ones taste) but if you dont like it DONT read it, as for staying as members you need to get a grip mate, chill out, we have all had words over this but we still talk so what is the problem.
I fell upon this thread and read as much as I could before it made me feel sick.

I just can't believe there are still people around with some of these stupid backward opinions. For christ sake this is not the seventies. Those of you with these disgusting views on race relations will one day be a victim of your own hatred, if you haven't already. Sure there are muslims who hate westerners. Sure there are black people who hate whites. I hate them as much for their stupid hatred, but I hate them as individuals, not as a race.

I've seen teenagers attack older folk and I hate them for doing so but I don't hate teenagers.

I find this sort of blind stupid hatred pathetic. Most of you idiots with these ideas clearly can't tell the difference between races because they have similar coloured skin so they are all the same. Do you hate other white people. French, Russian, women.

Please don't try and justify your opinions by claiming to be patriotic. I love my country but I don't act like a backward fool because of it.

There has been comments posted about how different other races are treated in this country, by this country, and how unfair that is and how we should hate everyone of different race. Let me remind you, it was people with your racial hatred that started all this decades ago. These laws of protection have been put there to protect them from racialist morons. I agree it is over the top now and I agree there are plenty that will and do abuse our system, so just think for a minute how responsible you and your like are for the system we have. If you moved to a land of plenty and were offered the same deal, are you saying you wouldn't take it.

Of course, some of you will disagree with my views and you are perfectly entitled to do so, and good for you for living in a country that tolerates people like you.

Let me finish with one question for this club. Why are people who express their offences racist views on your site allowed to stay members?

no ones got the inteligence to read things properly and form there own opinion theyve all jumped on the immaginery racist bandwagon for browny points,no wonder this country so f*cked up lol!