Project terrano is underway!

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Hi guys been away awhile as just shortly after my move to NI my partner got dianosed with testicluar cancer. Thankfully after surgery and many scan's he's been given the all clear though is on 3 mtly scans and check ups.
so check your nads lads! get your ass to the docs if you find anything abnormal!

anyway i'm now settled got a good job in accounts payable department, lovely big house(well biggest I've ever had and a GARAGE!!

I'm now just starting to get time to go out into the garage & get some work done.

support beams sized and placed

welding in place

now got a clutch to do before buiding a bulkhead forgot how small the engine bay actually is! its been 3-4 yrs since I started this
Hey good to hear from you and sorry to hear about your partners health problems but sounds all good now which is great. Other than that life sounds to be good for you. Fingers crossed you'll get the truck finished this year then. I'm just about ready for collecting my next project in a week or two, an mgb gt:thumb2
Hey good to hear from you and sorry to hear about your partners health problems but sounds all good now which is great. Other than that life sounds to be good for you. Fingers crossed you'll get the truck finished this year then. I'm just about ready for collecting my next project in a week or two, an mgb gt:thumb2

Yeah life's good atm, still plenty of drama but good overall
Oh I dunno bout getting it finished this year still a lot to do, but it's not impossible...we'll see.

Oh cool! I'm banned from having another project....Need to finish this one first :)
well the other project thing didn't work, did it! ('92 Mr2) :lol:lol:lol:lol

now I've really gotta get the terrano finshed so I can sort that one out!

Anyway, I've been hiding in my garage lately.

did a clutch and gear oil change last week/fortnight ago

lifted it from the roll cage:sly, just thought I'd check the strength....definelty didn't budge or creak! :thumb2

thats a dirty clutch but wasn't in bad condition so its now a spare

clean & shiney gave the gearbox a blow out too!

started on bulkhead & florr template today:thumb2:D

still just a start but will continue next weekend since I'm now finshed the second half of my law qualification to give me by my CIMA accounting for business certifcate! on top of that I've been teaching myself (with youtube & an app how to play :guitarist:

see boys, I'm much more that just a pretty face and I'm blonde :bow:bow :lol:lol:lol
:splif::wasntme :jesterbg
Hi guys been away awhile as just shortly after my move to NI my partner got dianosed with testicluar cancer. Thankfully after surgery and many scan's he's been given the all clear though is on 3 mtly scans and check ups.
so check your nads lads! get your ass to the docs if you find anything abnormal!

anyway i'm now settled got a good job in accounts payable department, lovely big house(well biggest I've ever had and a GARAGE!!

I'm now just starting to get time to go out into the garage & get some work done.

support beams sized and placed

welding in place

now got a clutch to do before buiding a bulkhead forgot how small the engine bay actually is! its been 3-4 yrs since I started this

Now that looks like my kinda room, dirty car parts and a big GREEN room :lol
haha I had forgot to take the sticker off the camera at that point! :lol as you can see its now removed.

now you can see the full extent of the dirt and chaos that is my garage :thumb2:D:lol
Have you any idea what it's expected to look like when finished. Did you have photos or drawings or are you winging it?
I'm thinking something between mad max and batman!
Have you any idea what it's expected to look like when finished. Did you have photos or drawings or are you winging it?
I'm thinking something between mad max and batman!
I'm definitely winging it, anytime I've drawn the design had always changed.

Hmm I have no idea probably more mad max to be honest. It's gonna be a bit nuts and I've no idea what I'm doing for a windscreen or bonnet yet.

Windscreen will probably end up being perspex non scratch stuff but the real difficulties will be that the cage was shaped for the original which got scrapped when I moved because I had no way to travel it with all the other stuff & couldn't afford another trip at the time.

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I'm sure it can be worked out. What's the scrap car scene like over there. Spares galore or will you be needing us lot to round up spares and bring em over. Another Nissan road trip! :naughty
Lol there's plenty of terrano's, they're all hiding here lol haven't tried for scrap yet because I haven't needed to, but a Nissan road trip I wouldn't object to

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