Patrol rolling resto

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Seat, carpet rear heater pipe protection plate, all out to get to this
. I am going to need to place some steel in between the heater pipes and the rotten floor so that I can cut the rot out from underneath

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It helps if you remember to take ramps from under the back of the car and put them at the front before taking the seat out :) lmao

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Looking good Spinna!!

Nice to see that we both have the same sheet metal tools.

I would like to hear if the car passes the MOT, especially regarding your chassis repair. I have heard different stories of what an MOT tester will accept. Some swear by an overlap while others require it to be flush.

Had to do a very small chassis repair on mine and I went for the flush repair. After grinding the welding bead flush and painting the area over you can't see that it has ever been welded.

Please don't get me wrong, I am not criticizing your welding!
OMG I am absolutely buzzing. The old girl passed her mot this morning. My welding was good enough then, thank god. I had visions of it failing on all the work I'd done and didn't sleep well last night worrying lol

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Threw some k-seal in the radiator yesterday as it was leaking quite badly. Seems to have done the trick for now at least. When the funds allow I'll be on the lookout for a new rad. My mate Craig wants to convert his Patrol to twin electric fans so we might be doing this together. I really need to set some cash aside to get some underseal to protect all my hard work.

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Craig gave me a couple if led lights to try out in the patrol a few weeks ago. My interior lights have never worked properly so about an hour ago I thought I would try the new ones. After checking they work using the highly technical method of touching the wires onto appropriate terminals, I broke out the expensive Aldi's soldering iron and soldered them in and screwed the new light units to the original base's.
Hey presto I have new interior lights. Whoopee.

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Realised i had a headlight out yesterday and upon further inspection found that one of the spade connections had come loose from the bulb and melted the connector so have had to fit a new connector and bulb. Oh the joys. Anyway a couple of pics to show how small the job was. Lol

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It was best to drop the bullbar down so i could remove the grill and head light for better access to replace the new plug

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a few pics of rear chassis section on my old girl. All welded up now thanks to brother in-law who has a four post ramp. Had to remove fuel tank to get to it. And to think I'd been towing with it in that condition.

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Wow, i bet that chassis was flexing everytime the axle moved as the panhard rod mount is just behind all the rot.. That must have been pretty bad at its last mot... Cant believe no after shots..
Yeah sorry about lack of after shots. I might be able to get underneath her and take some but obviously all back together now and sealed.
Who on earth fitted a LR chassis to your truck when you weren't looking:eek::lol:lol glad you found it before it gave out on you & pleased you've managed to repair it:thumb2 but to me it just go's to show how tough the old Patrols are as i've seen a few pic's & videos lately of 8 year old L200's & Hi Lux's where the chassis has snapped behind the cab & there was a none public recall/check needed