Heads up guys the Trol is parting company with the chassis. Rain permitting itll be off friday. Then its chassis strip down time.
Heads up guys the Trol is parting company with the chassis. Rain permitting itll be off friday. Then its chassis strip down time.
Took a bit of persuasion but I eventually got the body bolts out. Many years of offroad mud and gunge has seriously had it's way with the poor thing.
Never mind, I've fixed worse :augie
Got to build some kind of scaffold support system tomorrow to hold the body up in the air :freak3:
That's a special wooden packer in there at the mo keeping the body off the chassis. It'll probably get bigger soon :lol
That picture tickled my insidesCan't wait to see some spannering action on it, my question is why isn't it inside in that giant workshop of yours?
Have you gone back to the pikey ways of tinkering in the elements? :naughty :naughty
That there workshop of which you speak, is my son's . He's now full time self employed, so yes I'm back in the big wide open
There was some more spanner action today, like udoing the steering , brake pipes, breathers, fuel filler etc etc
Tele handler pikey action coming up :naughty
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