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Well-known member
Feb 12, 2011
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I want to tell you a story, and hopefully some one on here will be able to help sort this T2 out.

I bought an 03 2.7 T2 in December, yes because of snow :thumb2
I love it, its nice to drive, fun in snow, good for work when van snowed in etc etc.

And yes i paid a snow tax on price too!!

so, after a run to north wales, i noticed a hesitant spot, about 1500 revs, but it cleared instantly and caused no further problems.
then last weekend, again in wales, noticed when i parked up, hesitant/mis fire at 12-1500 revs and white smoke.
Bit of internet research and on wednesday, new Bosch (from Bosch dealers) MAF fitted,
the T2 went like shit of proverbal shovel, it bloody flew!
wahey, end of problems i hear you cry,
errrr well no,
not quite,
it last 6 hours and failed again, same problems, mis fire and smoke.
Dealer rung up and another new one arrived yesterday, again fitted, this time did not feel as powerfull, but again, only lasted few hours and appeared to fail again.

Ive checked voltage out of it and its 2.2v as workshop manual says it should be. so that implies the bleeding thing is working.

Any one any ideas what else it could be?
it def only miss fires when idling, ive blanked off the EGR valve too, removed to tiny gauze diesel filter and replaced main diesel filter.

Anyone near Guiseley that knows a man with a machine that can diagnose fault codes?

Anyone still awake after ive just suffered writters cramp?

Steve, have you also done the usual change of the fuel filter. Is air filter ok also. Think it was mentioned here previously somewhere that MAF would only comes into play at higher revs and not when idling. If that is the case then it shouldn't be a MAF problem. Maybe other members could verify this.
thanks for quick replies,
i gave it a service when i got it, so everything was changed.

i dont have anything to read codes on, so do need someone with machine,
oh i do prefere mechanical things..........................

no he means by shorting two terminals,look in the down loads no electro whizzardry needed!
Cheapo air filter.... I had the exact same thing! - ate 3 MAFS in a couple of days!

Bet you've gotta couple of quid air-filter jobby in? Treat it to a Nissan Genuine one! :thumb2
cant remember make of it, its same brand as used on all other vehicles and never had problems with those, but its not K&N one.

Only other suggestion I can make is as a result of an intermittent niggling problem I had over the past 12 months. I had changed fuel filter, tried MAF, air filter etc. but made no difference until I gave a thorough cleaning to the bottom part of the fuel filter housing (the white part that has the water bleed screw in it that screws onto the bottom of the filter). There was a brown scum in the holes and crevices. Problem seems to be sorted.
Mine sucks in more air in 2 seconds than I do in a year rofl!:lol

Im no expert on air filters or their brands, my post was a bit tongue in cheek but i do know k&n have one of if not the best airflow :thumbs
Put a bit of clear pipe between the fuel filter output and the pipe to the injector pump to see if it is sucking air, diesels don't like air.
i had a similar problem with a juddering at around 1500rpm. and a bit of smoke! ended up the intake shutter valve wasnt opening correctly! took out the butterfly and its been great since!!!
Im no expert on air filters or their brands, my post was a bit tongue in cheek but i do know k&n have one of if not the best airflow :thumbs

The one thing I will say about these type of oiled paper filters is that they can sometimes cause premature failure of the MAF dut to oil getting sucked in a sticking to the hotwire of the MAF, Which in turn does not read the correct info as it is basically insulated.

I personally stick to OEM filters and change them more regularly than the manual states. First signs of blocking up and they go in the bin.
The one thing I will say about these type of oiled paper filters is that they can sometimes cause premature failure of the MAF dut to oil getting sucked in a sticking to the hotwire of the MAF, Which in turn does not read the correct info as it is basically insulated.

I personally stick to OEM filters and change them more regularly than the manual states. First signs of blocking up and they go in the bin.

no offence but thats complete and utter bollox.

Loads of apocryphal stories like that from "my mates friends cousins aunties best friends penpals dads brothers workmate...." but they are all crap.

You would have to literally drown the thing in oil for this to happen....when you clean a K&N (every 50,000 miles) you simply wash it, dry it and then spray on a very thin coating of the K&N oil.

I've used these things fr the best part of 350,000 miles on my four trucks and never had a MAF problem of any sort and I defy you to find me someone who can prove they have.:thumbs

And by the way, they aren't oiled paper, they are cotton, which is one of the things that helps to vastly improve the airflow (delivering 2.5-3 mpg improvement in fuel efficiency on these motors). Plenty of happy users on here.:thumb2
I have plenty of mates that build high power engines for motorsport use and have worked in the motor trade/spares for over ten years.

Have seen more than a handful of failed MAFs.
I have plenty of mates that build high power engines for motorsport use and have worked in the motor trade/spares for over ten years.

Have seen more than a handful of failed MAFs.

that could be because they, err, fail? We have more than bucketloads on here mate, they fail on the T2 by the sh1tload...mainly because the Bosch tends to burn itself out because its repeated self-cleaning cycle overheats the element (something the Hitachi doesn't do).

If you have mates in motorsport you'll also know that companies like K&N and Piper (same type of product) cut their teeth and have majored in that sector for more than 30 years and continue to dominate, both on and off track.:)

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