NATS KEY reprograming anybody donit?????

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Mar 31, 2006
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I lost one of my NATS keys :oops: , but have found a couple on good old ebay :smile: both parts has anybody tried the reprograming in the downloads section :?: . Can you buy these keys and just follow these insructions :?: . comments and tips welcome please
bought a fob on ebay,

printed out workshop.

failed, then tried again reading instructions lol

yeah it works not so hard but do have to do exactly as it says and in a certain time frame.

there was a post sometime back showing which fobs worked.

think terrano kid posted last time
Yes there are two types look on the back of yours it should say either 418mhz or 427mhz you can only use one of the same frequency. I got caught out when buying one off of ebay. both types look identical and the later key type ones wont work on the old vehicles that had seperate fobs.
where about does it say the mhz i need a fob but cant see the numbers
yeah if you put nats key in the search theres quite a few, not just in the terrano section so has anybody idea which to bid on.
Ok guys,
As I am off sick from work I have done some google whacking and found the Nissan uk, site and then found the question on what frequency do Nissan NATS keys operate............ Answer.... all nissan keys operate on 433mhz as licensed by the goverment :smile: Thank you, thank you, whos a clever boy then.

you can contact them........... Nissan Motor Manufacturing (UK) Ltd - Washington Road,
Tyne & Wear,
SR5 3NS.
0191 4150000. WOT ! a waste of time they don't answer the phone
:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: -welldone- :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
have a look on see what there saying about nissans customer service on brand new 20k plus motors with stuff falling off being told tough luck mate! i wouldnt be impressed if it were me!
Honestly you'd have thought a international company would at least answer the phone I rang Niisan uk in Rickmansworth got some foreign bird with not very good english she gave me a number 01257 240600 it turns out they are just a dealer Chorley Nissan. But credit where credit is due the guy was very helpful to me, as I have a left hand drive I wanted to know if my NATS key from Spain would operate on the same frequency as a UK NATS key he recon they would so here we go...........
433mhz is for the later keys with the built in buttons the earlier ones with the seperate fobs operate at 418 or 427mhz you will have to either look on the back of a key fob or on the nats unit under the dash to find out which one you need.
There are defiantly 2 types of the black fob with a red and black button the number on the back of the fob is the only difference. Mine is like this one.
With 5WK4 600 on the back.
The other is identical but has a different number on it.
You have to get the correct one the same as the one you already have because it will not work otherwise. I purchase one on ebay last year and it turned out to be incorrect and wouldn’t reprogram the seller changed it for another the same as my existing one and all was ok.

If your number is rubbed off then it will be a 50 50 chance of getting the correct one, unfortunately there is no other way of knowing by looking at it, I have even looked inside for a clue and there are no markings.
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Thank Terrano kid and Toolbox for that info :smile: , Terrano kid you say look under the dash 8O :? please give me a better clue what to look for and where :?: :?
mine is just behind the lower dash on the drivers side
undo 4 screws and it pulls off but be careful of the wiring to the two switches if you have them as if you pull the lower dash to hard the back of the switches gets pulled off. Springs and contacts everywhere but very easy to put back if you have all the parts.
Some later ones have the unit behind the ashtray and 2000 on have it built into the top of the fuse box.
I have the key with the two buttons built in so I am asuming that this is the key that operates on the 433mhz. :cry: I have just had the 11 staples out of my knee so can't get down to kneel yet to have a look under the fuse box ouch ouch ouch :!: :!: :!: :!:
got a price from nissan out of curiousity today £65.00.main dealer said that an already programmed key cannot be re-programmed. is this just a load of crap from a main dealer or are these un-programmed ones on sale on ebay?????
my key hasnt the buttons just chipped but timpsons popped it in a machine which read code then programmed the new key the same £25 ten min job nissan wanted over £200 for same job told me they needed jeep for two - three hours at x amount per hour. ford said go to nissan lol
i dont know if timpsons is a national company or local to me but if they have magic box trics sure many others do id ask the question see if they can help gota be worth try! have u seen thread on storing the code as an answer phone message on your mobile!

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