NATS KEY reprograming anybody donit?????

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chumba said:
got a price from nissan out of curiousity today £65.00.main dealer said that an already programmed key cannot be re-programmed. is this just a load of crap from a main dealer or are these un-programmed ones on sale on ebay?????

I think you are a little confused. There is a chip in the key that is coded to the immobiliser and cannot be recoded, this works when you put the key in to the ignition, if you need a new ignition key then do as Jace has suggested.
On the other hand the door/alarm unlock buttons can be recoded as per workshop in the downloads and can be done over and over.
no ill have a look.all i wanna know is if i buy one of these of ebay will i be able to programme it when it comes????????
Your getting mixed up between the imobilizer and the buttons that work the central locking.

The key has a passive chip in it that responds to a signal given out by an aerial loop around the ignition switch it changes the signal and this is then picked up by the aerial which turns the imobilizer off and allows you to start the engine.
These chips can only be programed by nissan or ford and you can have up to five registered to the car.
If you loose a key the main dealer should wipe all the stored codes from the ecu and reprogram all the keys that you provide, that way if somebody finds the key and knows which car it belongs too they will be able to open the doors but not turn off the imobilizer.

The other part of the key is the buttons that operate the central locking and alarm this can be built in to the key or on a seperate fob these give out a unique code when you press the buttons you have to program the nats unit to respond to the code you can do this yourself by following the download.
This part of the key involves sending out a radio signal so the key or fob has a little radio transmitter built in powered by a battery. The trouble with broadcasting a radio signal is that it can cause interferance with other things.
nissan/ford have to apply for a licence to operate these transmitters and are given frequencys that they can operate on they can be given more than one so you have to make sure you get the right one or the reciever in the nats box will be listening to the wrong frequency and wont recieve the code.
thanks toolbox i know what ya mean now ,ya could have said that in the first place -banghead- we are not all mechanicly knowledged u know :lol: :lol:
I contacted a buyer who had bought one he then told me that I would need to buy the program that allows to do this (But it is the same in fo that we have in the down loads) I am I right in thinking that if it is a new NATS part then our download info will work OK :?: :? DOH
i was wonderin if the same or simlair little box tricks that reads the chip code on my older key could grab and store then write it to new pliper i remember yrs ago car thieves had such a device and jag had to go to a rolling code to stop them disapering
If you are going to try bidding for the item on ebay don't go above £22.00 because he will sell it to to you direct on buy it now for this price + P+P.

I asked during the week :smile: -groovy-
:oops: eeeeeeerrrrrrr this is a bit embaressing I fihave followed the insructions from the down load for the key I got and it does'nt work now :oops:. I got the replacement nats part (bit with the battery in it) followed the download and nothing on the plip to unlock or lock :oops:.

I did as it said, all was ok till the last bit ie 5 while pressing the unlock button, press the lock button 3 times. 6 Release the unlock button. :!: :roll: :? :| ..... Yes the car starts but the pliper doe nothing any body got any ideas :?: please
Yes have you got any young kids (the younger the better) ask them too do it there show you how.
I have learnt loads from my 2yr old I took my tv back to the shop as it wouldn't switch on only to find out she had activated the child lock now known as the parent lock. After we found out we started using the child lock to stop her playing with the tv only to find her watching it after about 2 mins of playing with the buttons. we also found out how to set the start delay on the microwave after it started beeping in the middle of the night and we also now no how loud the stereo goes and so do the niegbours
sorry duck can`t help you yet im waiting for my key to arrive
very tru TK I'll get my 16yr old he 16 going on 36 and very into tech things 8O when he was younger he used to put a plug in the electric socket to stop the electric leaking out :roll:

On a more serious note any more ideas :?:
I think you need to do it again but be very carefull of the timing i had to do it a few times before i got it right.
any luck yet duck.key came today had a quick try and failed,had to go to the dentist though and just not in the mood now(filling)
Just a quick note chaps, you must make sure all the doors are unlocked or it will not work.
I reprogrammed my father’s keys on his previous car (an Almera exactly the same procedure) and it took me an age before I realised that only the driver’s door was unlocked, unlocked the rest and bingo job done.
yuck I hate dentists :evil: no it's raining cats and dogs here :( son now finished school :smile: so he will have a look in the morning if we can get him out of bed :smile: . He's just done his last exam ...Business studies . I 'll let you know how he gets on tomorrow, sound like you need a drop of scotch or 3 :smile: :smile:
to right,it should`nt make a difference that mines a mk3 t2 should it???
YYYYYYYYiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiipppppppppeeeeeeeeee he's done it -rotfl- -dance- -groovy-

KIDS :!: we are supposed to teach them aren't we :?: -banghead-