Back home from Devon,weather was fantastic.
We arrived at "TED STEVENS" airport at Anchorage,and checked in at 5pm,and as we were on standby tickets, that automatically put us down the list for boarding any plane uk bound,and security was very strict(i was to see more than my fair share of security before we left Anchorage) at 6pm we went through the x ray machine and could see on the faces of the security guards that they were exited as they thought something was hidden in our cases,that's when he guns were drawn, here we were at the desk 2 guards with guns drawn on me with no shoes or socks, one hand holding my jeans up and ordered to open my case which was locked using the other hand. wrapped in my case was Bob's 16oz gold scales and other artifacts, these knuckle dragging morons thought we were drug dealers and ordered a strip search of us and luggage,the scales were swabbed for drugs and explosives and the other artifacts had the same treatment, this went on for 2 hours, i was mental, but had to bite my lip,or it was Guantanamo Bay for me,thank god we did not bring those Winchesters.Eventually they let us go through to the departure lounge and on to the gate for take off, it would not be soon enough,the flight from Anchorage to Denver was the way we were going and the flight was at 10pm so we had a coffee and waited, then we were told that the one plane that we wanted was full so we had to go back through the security again,still having to take off my shoes and socks and belt and searched the bags again and find a place to sleep until the following day.