Making a fuel tank ?

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Won't have time for special plating I'm afraid :augie
It'll be primed and painted externally but then again lacquer does sound sexy :sly
The slot has plenty of clearance for rope. I have two fairleads to keep the rope in the right place :thumbs
Spent ages today getting final mount positions correct . Fill points and so on.

Up n down on the lift to get it right and so eventually I've tacked the mounts in place :clap

Racing tomorrow so may not get much done tomorrow night :eek:
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Leak Testing ?

First time I have been through this post and I like your approach with the cardboard template!
It looks as though it's all going nicely love the welding looks top quality.

How will you test it for leaks though as with several feet of welding a mere pin prick is all it needs to cause problems and once you have had fuel in it then fixing afterwards might be a bit risky ?
How will you test it for leaks though as with several feet of welding a mere pin prick is all it needs to cause problems and once you have had fuel in it then fixing afterwards might be a bit risky ?

Not a problem with a derv tank, weld away, done many and with gas welding, Rick
You're a braver man than I'll ever be Rick :eek:

In all seriousness though what is the flash point of Diesel? 52 - 96 degrees I just looked :nenau

Not important at all, just try burning derv, it is not easy, I have cut the top out of thanks and welded them back up with loads fuel in tank, point is derv vapour is nothing like petrol vapour, would never try same thing on petrol tank unless it had been filled with water then level lowered to below the welding line, Rick
Testing will simply be me pumping air in and watching the gauge. If it stays put I'm happy. If not I'll be round with the water squirty thing and look for bubbles.
Filler tube, overflow pipe and breather now welded in place.

Mounting angle welded on

and the other side :rolleyes:

A bit of weld porn for you all :naughty

Getting close now :clap

I have a few deliveries due tomorrow but hope to get some more done inbetween :eek:
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That is how I used to test CH first fix under floors, pressure to 100 psi and must not drop for hours, gas pipe carcasing the same, CORGI guy went ballistic when I told him, he said I could burst the pipe :doh let alone damage the appliance or the gas meter, he clearly had no understanding of what first fix/carcasing was all about, but it did find a fluxed and never soldered pipe that did not blow till over 50 psi, once, Rick
Remarkably difficult !

I have today been mainly blowing up me tank :eek:
Turns out it's very hard to make an air tight fuel tank of my ridiculous design :doh
Several pin holes located and rewelded, again and again and again. Each time a few less and more pressure applied.
Eventually at 10pm we cracked it :D
I used the tyre pressure gauge to watch the pressure. First time I did it I nearly had a heart attack. At the first squirt of air the tank POPPED with a bang followed by my ninja reaction (me falling over backwards :lol) Squirty soapy water revealed little holes here and there, mainly on corners. The boy reckoned it was probably where tack welds were .
Anyway we now have a fuel tank that doesn't leak :clap
Etch prime and paint tomorrow I hope and then fit tomorrow night.
Not long to Friday :eek:
That was why I binned my small tank effort, a few small pin holes, decided that if I was going to go that route then a ready made LPG cyl would be good, but in the end did not bother, Rick
Fuel Tank repair liquids ?

Though it only worked short term when my Yamaha XJ900 Fuel tank started leaking I bought some fixing stuff that worked for about 3 months until I replaced the tank - cost loads of money to replace but came painted in original colours !

When I took a peek at the old tank inside the repair liquid seemed to have lined the inside really well with a clear coating - except where it was rusted hence why the repair did not last. Just wondered if its worth doing it on your virgin metal as a belt & braces option?
Forgot to put the pressure test pic up :lol
Egg cup in fuel filler is good for about 10psi then it launched across the workshop like a mortar :sly it broke :eek:

All primed and painted with many coats of stone chip :clap
Fitted and done :naughty

Still to finish the pick up but nearly there :eek:
Departure angle shot looks good to me :splif

Fingers crossed I get time to plumb the filler tomorrow night :augie
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Back to it .
Having survived the Wales weekend ( well half of it ) without any tank damage, I thought it time to get the guard sorted.
3mm steel bent to form a sacrificle shield . Can't be lucky everytime out :D

I'll be cutting some holes n slots in it to match the front, eventually :cool:
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Squeezed a couple of hours on the guard :thumb2
Plain old steel wasn't going to cut it for me, so decided to match the front bash plate ;)

So out the measuring stick and white pen ;)

Then hard n slow :naughty with plenty of looob :lol oh and my little hole maker:sly

Then it's just a case of "join the dots" :)

More to follow :drums:
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tank volume

Very nice.

I took the liberty of building a 3d model to check the volume (I'm sure you know how much ). Based on the measurements I could read from the image and without the raised top of the tank, I get about 105L.

Its not 100% accurate without the full measurements, but I hope it helps.


Very nice.

I took the liberty of building a 3d model to check the volume (I'm sure you know how much ). Based on the measurements I could read from the image and without the raised top of the tank, I get about 105L.

Its not 100% accurate without the full measurements, but I hope it helps.



I called the pressure test problems yonks ago in the black pearl prep thread :thumbs

Fair play if you've got it sussed but for how long? Can you honestly say you trust it now and was this the cause of the fuelling issues on the meet?

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