Lumpy running 2.4i petrol Maverick (Terrano). Need help!!

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Seeing as you have a temperature sensor in the inlet to detect the EGR temperature, I would think if you had a problem with the EGR then you would have the engine management light on, on the dash. I may be wrong though so keep checking.

Have you looked at your MAF?
Thanks toolbox. No light on dash so maybe sensor is okay. Had an exchange MAF fitted so not that. The manual pages that hummingbird sent me have all the official test pages so now I can really get down to some proper testing with the knowledge that it is the official service engineer method. Wish the nights weren't getting so dark now, very little time to do anything and now I'm getting that fired up to start again the weekend seems an eternity away. Still no price from nissan but the parts man seems to be slow every time I ask for a price.
:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
SUCCESS, thanks to everyone who helped on this matter we now have fixed it! In a nutshell it was a faulty EGR valve, but the problem was it was permanently stuck open. So after realising how it works I used the wifes handbag mirror and a torch and could see the needle valve from underneath to get at it enough with a screwdriver to jiggle it. No result but the right method for slight sticking. Not this little beggar, it was stuck solid. All joints securing valve and pipe round to exhaust mainifold looked typical of 10years, there to stay. So, after sleeping on it woke today with a cunning plan. Drilled a small hole in the centre of the top plate of the egr valve. Inserted a thin punch, watched valve using mirror, tapped it gently and it went down closing the valve. Then, to stop the valve ever coming up again, inserted a long self tapping screw in to hole to keep pressure on it to stay closed. Then, bunged up the two rubber tubes that come from the valve and started her up. Runs sweet and instantly cured. If the part had been removable easy then I could have replaced the valve and it would have worked, but at a lot of cost and extra time. If the valve was that good why does it stick. If you have a car that has an egr then save yourself some headache by doing this to bypass it. Daftest thing they could ever have fitted. Once again a big thank you to all who helped and if any one wants more specific details if you don't understand my ramblings, then give us a shout
Glad to see it worked out in the end.

Thats what I call repairs, Ingenuity, cunning, and a good bodge -killingme-
Glad you got to the bottom of it :smile: The same thing happened on my old mondeo & killed the head 8O :evil: Your motor would have been running a weak mixture due to the valve stuck open
MOT is hopefully next monday morning so will report back soon after. Having said that it was only 2 months ago it failed due to emissions upset by the EGR so I guess now she's running sweet it should be an easy pass. Unless that is, something else has seized up due to its little rest from duty !! Can't wait to sound all knowledgeable to the garage, they just said it was beyond them.

As hoped for, seeing the EGR BYPASS cured the lumpy running, the car now passed its MOT on emmissions! However, only just as I had fiddled with so many bits on the throttle body such as a big air plug screw, that it needs a bit more fine tuning to get it perfect.
BUT, the Lumpy running AND emission problem was definitely down to that EGR valve that was constantly stuck open filtering exhaust gas non stop in to the inlet manifold. So, if anyone else ever has this problem, follow the method I mentioned previously regarding how to shut the valve closed for good. Thanks again to Hummingbird for the workshop manual pages, that extra bit of information really helped me to get this sorted. I actually thought the pipe from the exhaust manifold was a water pipe! Little did I realise it was the branch off for exhaust gas recirculating.
Without the club forum I would still be wasting each weekend getting nowhere. CHEERS. :smile:
Hello Markandjulie, Excellent result!.

We do try and this problem was solved by the club members online so they must be good!.

Dont forget your bit in the testimaonuals for prospective members, Maybe insert your last post as i think is a testimaonial by its self.

Thanks Mav.

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