Well, it’s been busy day. The diff has been in and is now out again.
Got the whole thing back together this morning and tried the required tests.
Not good
The Lokka won't unlock as it should although it did try a couple of times. Maybe 144 thou is just not good enough, I thought, so back to the spanners and out it came again. Much faster this time, I'm getting to be an expert :thumbs.
Upon inspection I found that the gap was still measuring at 144 but I decided to recheck everything from the start. When I measured the drill bit I use as a gauge my electronic vernier showed 135 thou first time around now it was showing about 137. Out with the micrometre, should have use it from the start :doh, and it in fact measured 140 which was confirmed by my trusty manual vernier. A few more comparisons has proved that the electronic vernier is b****red and is now heading for the bin.
Anyway, to cut the story short I actually have 145.5 thou, average of two sides, gap and it seems it’s not enough although it is within the recommended range.
The good news is that the nice Nissan parts man rang today to say the washers I ordered will be here at the end of the week. They should be about 30 thou so it will be more grovelling to the nice toolmakers for a go on their surface grinder. Down to 20 thou each this time, should give me about 155 thou gap, bang in the middle of the range.
Hope springs eternal