is it new clutch time?

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Feb 9, 2008
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while i was driving this morning my t2 seemed to be revving but not pulling so i suspected the clutch was slipping,now its a right pain to get in any gear but there still seems abit of travel on the pedal.can this be adjusted out or will it make it worse?
can get a clucth kit from milners for about £80 but not looking forward to changing it if this is what it needs.
This is how I check mine, but do it in an open area with no one or cars around you to be safe :wink: I pull on the handbreak, select 4th or 5th gear & try & pull away if the engine dies in about 1-2 secs your clutch should be ok but if it revs them i'm sorry to say it's g/box out time :(

Hi Elty,
dont know if any use to you, but if you find that you do need a new clutch,- had mine fitted in the Midlands by a specialist clutch and gearbox place, for 265 all in. thats with a 2 year guarantee. Mine wouldnt drive at all, so for 35 they picked it up too. Fetched it at 745 inthe morning and had phone call to say it was ready at lunchtime.
PM me if you need the details.
Re: clutch

wanaron said:
Hi Elty,
dont know if any use to you, but if you find that you do need a new clutch,- had mine fitted in the Midlands by a specialist clutch and gearbox place, for 265 all in. thats with a 2 year guarantee. Mine wouldnt drive at all, so for 35 they picked it up too. Fetched it at 745 inthe morning and had phone call to say it was ready at lunchtime.
PM me if you need the details.

Seems very fast clutch change on a T2, half a shift 8O Nissan take a full day, well thats what they charge you for!!!!!!
must have been a few men working on it :p

changing the clutch is the easy part,its the gearbox removal etc that takes the time.done a couple on my other 4x4's over the years but the tansfer box has been seperate unlike the one on the t2.have ordered one from milners for £85 delivered so i hope it will be here by friday so i can get it put in over the weekend.just hope the weather will hold as i need to be back on the road by tuesday at the latest. :|
elty001 said:
changing the clutch is the easy part,its the gearbox removal etc that takes the time.done a couple on my other 4x4's over the years but the tansfer box has been seperate unlike the one on the t2.have ordered one from milners for £85 delivered so i hope it will be here by friday so i can get it put in over the weekend.just hope the weather will hold as i need to be back on the road by tuesday at the latest. :|

I was talking about the time for the whole job :wink:
tried your little test today sweety and yes it is slipping big time.put in 4th gear left handbrake on and i couldnt stall it,i took my foot totaly off the clutch and she just sat there revving away :cry:
well at least i can re index my torsion bars at the same time as you have to remove them and the cross member to get the gearbox out.
have just orderd the rain for the weekend too as i wouldn't be able to think properly if it was nice weather :wink:

Elty is obviously sorted then, and going to tackle it himself. I took one look at the gearbox and decided against it. Have to say i was very suprised that it only took half a shift to change, but when you take into account that the place i used does nothing but clutches, and are rigged up accordingly.
got my brother in law at hand to give me any help i need and he is a mechanic so decided to give it a go.there are a couple of places around here that boast they can do your clutch in a morning until you tell them its a 4x4 then they seem to put the price up and the hours.did one on my old renault espace and that was a right pain due to the limited space.theres plenty of room to work on a t2 just need to take your time and think about what you are doing.a bit of forward planning before you even get the spanners out.soaked all the cross member nuts and bolts in wd 40 today and will give then another shot in the morning before i go to work to try and free them off as they are quite rusty.just hope the kit turns up tommorrow or it will be next weekend before i will get it done.
I said it was fast in half a day because my brother in law is a mechanic with Mitsubishi, before that Nissan and he told me that all jobs are marked up in time, ie Terrano clutch 7 hours.
If they mechanics do the job in less time they get put on another job and thats how they make up their bonus.
He also told me it would cost minimum £700 from Nissan for a T2 change when he was there, might be less now, there no longer in production.

He also said the 7 hours is not unrealistic as it can take longer as you know its suspension off etc, before you even think about the gearbox, clutch etc.
If you've got the tools for the job, great you'll save a few pennies, but the average DIY mech is going to struggle with this job.
Yes clutch places will do it faster as that is all they do :smile:

Hope all goes well
decided to get stuck in to changing the clutch when i got home from work :| first job is to remove the torsion bars.a nice easy job to begin with or so i thought.looked at the manual,looks straight forward enough and it was until i got to the part where you pull out the torsion bar from the front wishbone.i assume its splined on both end but can i heck as like shift it.tapped it with a hammer as i was pulling it,but it still wont i missing something as i can't get it to budge or is it just seized in. :?
Hi Elty i've heard the torsion bars can rust solid into the wish bone & some times have to be pressed out :roll: So I would try & leave them in place if you can & pull the free ends out of the way :smile:

0n my t2 touring the clutch is to the floor some mornings when i get in the car i bring it back up and its fine all day following morning same thing any suggestions its a cracking car red over silver with lots of personel touches had it 4 years been great
i can get the ends out of the crossmember no problem to get the cross member out but they need turning over so that i can wind the front up to lift it level as i have got the 2"springs on the back.all good fun,looks like something out of pimp my ride at the mo as the front is as low as my mr2. :lol:
elty001 said:
i can get the ends out of the crossmember no problem to get the cross member out but they need turning over so that i can wind the front up to lift it level as i have got the 2"springs on the back.all good fun,looks like something out of pimp my ride at the mo as the front is as low as my mr2. :lol:

I think it was said that you can just move the adjuster around a few splines to give you the extra thread that is needed to wind the bats up to the hight you need :?
:oops: now you have said that i understand :oops: i actually did move them round a few splines and look if i could do it that way :? thanks for the kick into gear would still be trying to get it out at this time tommorrow :lol: :lol:
I'm watching very closely to see how you get on as i've got my lift to do but weather & health have put it on hold for another week :cry: Do you have to remove the X member to be able to respline the adjusters or could the be done with it in place :?
no you can leave the cross member in.there is enough room to take them off the torsion bar and move them round a bit.havn't even started my clutch yet as i have got to go and fetch the 2.7 back from the guy that took it for the engine and box.waste of space don't want it now so i'm waiting for my mate to turn up with his towing dolly.but i need to put that back on the drive first so i cant start until i have sorted that out :evil:
he got mardy as he wanted the full exhaust system and god knows what thrown in for nowt.engine box and ecm was the deal not whatever he wanted.tryin my hardest not to swear........

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