My assertion:
Like the mythical benefits of the new hitch stabilisers that are in fact slightly worse than nothing!
Note no comments on any particular aspect of them just they are slightly worse than nothing! A judgment based on all factors the 'data' presented at Bath and a lifetime of experience and the 'ethnographic' evidence (data for those of you who prefer it) I have collected.
So where is the evasive and backpedalling in that as you suggest?
"Whatever the answer it would be nice to hear it you're being very evasive, even if you want to back pedal and tell us you meant that they were a pain to operate and weren't really commenting subsequently on their damping ability and that’s why they were worse even though you were commenting on stability issues originally."
Where in my comments do I comment on stability issues alone? NOWHERE!
You suggest:
Therefore I would sincerely hope your experiments in replacement were 100% fruitless and demonstrated no change at all.
Evidencing my assertion that a correctly set up caravan needs no stabilisation, 100% no difference!
You forget my claim of:
Even after that I have found the new 'hitch' type stabilisers to be a pain in day-to-day use
And even go as far as being dismissive of my points:
I'm sure they would be a pain swapping from them to grease on a daily basis, fortunately (meant genuinely with no sarcasm) not my problem.
Showing your not taking it in at all: then you progress too:
I" strongly suspect its an opinion or a bit of internet wisdom that’s morphed into a fact somewhere along the line, but if its proven I'll cheerfully accept it, absolutely no problem whatsoever".
Suggesting all my opinions are formed from surfing while quoting stuff you basically took from internet sites, doesn't this point to your opinion being the 'morphed' from internet to fact not mine?
Now turn this into a simple equation:
First you agree a correctly loaded caravan is more use than a stabiliser and that in your case it is a standard fit and you have never tried the caravan without it. So this shows it is in fact to a careful caravaner of little or no benefit. Add to this the inherent expense and problems my own evidence has a pointed out evidence I stand by and can detail, bear in mind research is my business.
And my claim has really been proven by this thread, and now AndrewK has added his opinion it seems it is only going in my favour that:
New hitch stabilisers that are in fact slightly worse than nothing!
You’re evasive, dismissive, give your own interpretation to things I say and a little pompous and narrow-minded opinions have really been put to bed!