Idle oddness

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hmm..i just realised...your issue could easily be glow plugs. the relay you hear might be the glow plug relay. on these, the glow plugs work to start the engine, then continue to work for a while, if they arent functioning correctly then yes, engine will run rough!

an easy one to check and fix...
hi i have replaced glow plugs and checked power to them which as you say continues after engine. so not that. will check sensors is ckp the crank knock sensor? I still erring to pump having read dereks story. But obviously dont want to change unneccessarily.Still got to find one yet. thanks for advice.
hi i have replaced glow plugs and checked power to them which as you say continues after engine. so not that. will check sensors is ckp the crank knock sensor? I still erring to pump having read dereks story. But obviously dont want to change unneccessarily.Still got to find one yet. thanks for advice.

CKP is Crankshaft Position as you can imagine if thats not working, the engine aint going to run right and forme, it would stall. as for pump, not sure on that one mate, good luck!
not sure about the pump, mine does something similar (the noise) but i believe thats normal. yours does sound like a fuelling issue if revs are hunting then eventually stalling, but its hard to tell with regards the injection pump. I get code 18 on and off, which is the fuel quantity adjuster sensor-part of the injection pump i believe so not replacable.. personally, id first clear the codes, and check the CKP sensor and No1 injector.

i dont get the mil light on with mine but it just seems to shake like hell on tickover.also had a weird episode while towing today.i was in fifth gear doing 5omph got to a hill so put foot down a bit and the engine revved out to about 3500 but there was no increase in power then the revs dropped to about 2000 and all was fine:nenau
in all gears accellerating all was fine with no loss of power just this one funny episode.
had the same fault code on my old tdi and it just kept getting worse until the injector pump died.gave up on it and broke it for spares.
i dont get the mil light on with mine but it just seems to shake like hell on tickover.also had a weird episode while towing today.i was in fifth gear doing 5omph got to a hill so put foot down a bit and the engine revved out to about 3500 but there was no increase in power then the revs dropped to about 2000 and all was fine:nenau
in all gears accellerating all was fine with no loss of power just this one funny episode.
had the same fault code on my old tdi and it just kept getting worse until the injector pump died.gave up on it and broke it for spares.

yh mine used to do that, always 3rd gear, would drop then be fine, and woudl sound like an auto changing gear...hasnt done it for a while since i did a load of work on the engine.

still doing the idling thing despite tightening up the fuel pipes on the filter.


nothing happens though, but theres definately something wrong. no smoke when driving, puffs of smoke sometimes at idle, black, sometimes white when very cold, nothing major..very odd...
elty001;also had a weird episode while towing today.i was in fifth gear doing 5omph got to a hill so put foot down a bit and the engine revved out to about 3500 but there was no increase in power then the revs dropped to about 2000 and all was fine[/QUOTE said:
If Auto check the oil level, if Manual clutch was slipping, you don't rest your foot on the pedal do you? Rick
If Auto check the oil level, if Manual clutch was slipping, you don't rest your foot on the pedal do you? Rick

I dont THINK I did at the time, generally I dont lets put it that way...Ill do a few tests tomorrow and see what happens but its been pretty much fine lately in terms of revving through the gears..
I dont THINK I did at the time, generally I dont lets put it that way...Ill do a few tests tomorrow and see what happens but its been pretty much fine lately in terms of revving through the gears..

To test your clutch is easy, hand brake on hard, select 5th gear, floor the throttle, drop the clutch, engine should stall in no more than 2 seconds, if not clutch is on way out, if engine still runs over 1k revs clutch is really bad, and wont last long, Rick
clutch isnt a worry for me but ill test it anyway. Like i say, mine isnt doing anything weird other than the idle issue, but will test the clutch anyway...

cheers Rick
clutch isnt a worry for me but ill test it anyway. Like i say, mine isnt doing anything weird other than the idle issue, but will test the clutch anyway...

cheers Rick

Have you checked the pump timing clivvy ??
You know about the problem I did have when the timing was out and it stuggled to idle ,so I thought that a minor adjustment of the pump could help.......
Just a thought as a good mechanic could check it in no time at all with the right gear.

Have you checked the pump timing clivvy ??
You know about the problem I did have when the timing was out and it stuggled to idle ,so I thought that a minor adjustment of the pump could help.......
Just a thought as a good mechanic could check it in no time at all with the right gear.


never had it checked Dave, but i did follow your posts when you had trouble and i really feel my issue is linked somehow to the pump.

so do you think its an idea to get it booked in for a check? what sort of work we talking here, hours labour etc etc??

I do feel its ever so slightly out...seems to idle perhaps 50 or 100 rpm less than it should...

p.s. checked my clutch today, all good, so its not that!
checked my clutch also once i had removed and repaired the busted damper pipe and all is fine with it.
have noticed that when mine is at idle if i just turn the steering wheel ever so slightly it brings the revs down quite a bit:nenaucould the power steering pump be on its way out and putting extra load on the engine when at idle.
gonna change the belts first as they look pretty worn.
checked my clutch also once i had removed and repaired the busted damper pipe and all is fine with it.
have noticed that when mine is at idle if i just turn the steering wheel ever so slightly it brings the revs down quite a bit:nenaucould the power steering pump be on its way out and putting extra load on the engine when at idle.
gonna change the belts first as they look pretty worn.

Umm :confused:

Does the pump make any noise :confused:
I dont think its the PS pump on mine. I can turn the wheel ever so slightly and the wheels move without any affect on the idle what so ever...
never had it checked Dave, but i did follow your posts when you had trouble and i really feel my issue is linked somehow to the pump.

so do you think its an idea to get it booked in for a check? what sort of work we talking here, hours labour etc etc??

I do feel its ever so slightly out...seems to idle perhaps 50 or 100 rpm less than it should...

p.s. checked my clutch today, all good, so its not that!

If it just needs checking then a less than an hour.
Power steering pumps will bring the idle down a bit, that is why there is a switch on the pump or box that speeds up the idle to compensate, same goes for air con, it is common to find these not working or simply disconnected, RE idling and fuel pumps, if the elements in the pump or injectors are worn then at idling as a miniscule amount of fuel is delivered per stroke, if some of this passes by the worn element to leak off, it will effect the idle, it is not so much of an issue at larger throttle openings as so much more fuel is delivered and the little waste is less important, hope this explains it a little, it is, more complicated, but I have tried to make it easy to understand, Rick
well, i sorta understand (as well as i can without knowing the workings opf a pump). im still very unsure what my issue is. example, this morning, perfect. not sure if its because it hasnt had time to warm up properly and i havent sat at lights for very long if at all to notice, but i let it idle a bit when i got to work and it was chugging away normally.

i put in a full bottle (to half tank of fuel) of Fuel System Cleaner, but i really dont think its that as i have had this idle thing come and go in the past.

just wishi could figure it out because i need to get some parts replaced but loathed to spend the money as its pointless if there is a more serious issue withthe engine.

need to fit new front shocks and probably some bushes somewhere as i have a few rattle/knocks when on very rough ground

what about battery....would a battry affect idle in some random way? I only ask because the guy i bought this off said he replaced the battery when he had starting issues....
If your idle problem is intermitant then it is unlikely to be a worn pump, it could be sticky injectors, are you fly by wire? if so it is more likely to be an electric problem, and you cannot rule out the electric part of the pump, Rick
If your idle problem is intermitant then it is unlikely to be a worn pump, it could be sticky injectors, are you fly by wire? if so it is more likely to be an electric problem, and you cannot rule out the electric part of the pump, Rick


I am fly by wire, egr etc, i have the lot in my engine bay!

I replaced No1 injector a while back, but never did the rest because i cant find where to buy them, im happy to replace them though if i can get some. as for the elctric part of the pump, with the bonnet up, key in ignition and on, i can hear an elecrical sound from the pump area, like something turning almost??

as for other electrical problems, ive tried forcing the issue to occur by turning on everything electrical andn othing happens. the closest i can get to replciating the issue is trying to wind UP my passenger electric window, then it does it.

Rick, I wish you were close to hand, because id happily pay you to fix this issue for me!!