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Jun 14, 2012
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Is there anyone still on here? Did anyone survive Covid?:doh

I used to be a member, but when it went all quiet, my membership came up for renewal, and I got rid of my T2, I didn't bother renewing.:augie

We still have Suz's T2, which is hanging in there, with a wing and many a prayers, but over the summer it sprung a coolant leak which got progressively worse.:(

Having replaced water pump/thermostat cover etc, I still could not find the leak as it just seemed to be coming from around the top of the water pump, hitting the fan and spraying everywhere.:doh

Today, I systematically took the front of the engine off, and finally discovered, under the main aluminium thermostat block, there was a hole, which someone has back in it's past, repaired with epoxy. This has come loose, and is now spraying the water out in a nice fan shape in all directions.

So, the question is, is there anyone still out there, and if there is, is anyone breaking a 2.7 engine, that I can buy this housing from? This is the main bit the thermostat actually sits in, and had the bottom hose, heater hose, and turbo hose connected to it. :)
Eyup Clive, I’m still around mate. I’ve still got the Rustic Mav and the old project truck but unfortunately that failed it’s test in January, my youngun is supposed to be fixing it but he’s a lazy sod but he’s made a little progress on it last week.
Most of my attention is on the camper these days, been spending a few trips away this year especially Scotland. I’ve fallen in love with Skye and could quite easily move there.
How are you doing mate?
Hi you two, good to hear from you.

I would be grateful, I am trying a fix with a bolt, washers and liquid gasket at the moment, but would prefer to replace it.

Not doing too bad, had my shoulder op, which went well, the only downside is it now shows how bad the other one is... Doh.

We have got away with our Caravan a few times this year, we fell in love with Pembrokeshire/Carmarthenshire quite a few years ago, and have been looking at moving in that direction, but can afford to be choosy about exactly what sort of property we want.

We have never made it to Scotland as every time we have tried, a major life incident has cropped up and meant we have had to cancel every thing. Sort of made us scared to even try now.

Suz's T2 has gone through it's last 2 MOT's with just a cursory check over, as I was not able to do anything serious while waiting for the shoulder to repair. This year, it will need a bit more work though, as it now had a big hole in the passenger wing...
I am still about Clive, but sadly not many T2 spares left now and would in any case not have removed that part from a scrap engine as it is not a part that normally fails, Rick
Good to see you Rick, that was what I was thinking, unless the engine is scrap, no-one will want to take it off a good engine.

This one had a 3 x 5mm hole on the bottom between where the Turbo coolant feed comes out, & the flat that mates with the engine is.

Looks like it had epoxy to fill it in, which to be fair has lasted for a good few years, all the time we have had it.

I have rounded it to a 6mm round hole, and but a 6mm nut & bolt with large penny washers on both sides & liquid gasket to see if that works as a seal for now. I have just received a quote of £234 for the part, the cars not worth that!!

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Still here just really quiet

I have a Serotonin imbalance which makes me lose track of time, coupled with a plethora of deaths in the family has made me very lethargic. I still have my Terri, no longer used for towing (caravan swopped for small motorhome), I aim to have the last one driving.
I am meaning to post some pictures of the work so far, just finding the time to get them together. Terri failed her MOT in March, mainly rear spring holders/brackets, after a lot of research and obtaining genuine spares, I was left trying to find a decent welder. Eventually found one on the same estate the plonker who failed Terri works, he told me he was not aware of anyone, turns out there is a superb garage unit 200 yards from plonkers garage :doh :confused: :mad: :banghead. He is old school and has done a superb job examining all the underneath, cleaning and painting the chassis.
Over the last 10 years both the wife and my parents passed on followed by my eldest Sister (69yo) then 5 weeks ago my wife's Sister Also 69yo). Hope your life improves and everyone gets on with enjoying life, don't put anything off:thumb2
hi,i am still about,now to your hole,i take it you can get to it ok,if you can you have drilled it already you say so i would put a number1 or number2 tap into it and then make a bolt with the thread long enough a get a grip with matching die but not make it a bolt but long enough to screw in,make sue its clean and dry then put sealer into hole and on muade up thread then screw the thread you made into hole as tight as you dare then cut protruding end and blend flush then refit as needed.this works as its a taper fit into hole.
i know this worke as on my old cx on the rear hydrolytic ram i had a perforated
leak,i took it to a very good workshop but they declined to try as it was perforated so i decided to do the repair as written here.
when refitted to car and pumped up the suspension to high thete was now leaks and i believe it was at 2000lbsi.
Good to see you Rick, that was what I was thinking, unless the engine is scrap, no-one will want to take it off a good engine.

This one had a 3 x 5mm hole on the bottom between where the Turbo coolant feed comes out, & the flat that mates with the engine is.

Looks like it had epoxy to fill it in, which to be fair has lasted for a good few years, all the time we have had it.

I have rounded it to a 6mm round hole, and but a 6mm nut & bolt with large penny washers on both sides & liquid gasket to see if that works as a seal for now. I have just received a quote of £234 for the part, the cars not worth that!!

Sent from my SM-S908B using Tapatalk

Hi Clive

I'm still her too mate.

Which bits do you need from the attached image?

I should have the spares you need :thumb2

1- Water Outlet is the usual offender that splits.

But from your description it sounds like you're possibly after 5- Thermostat Housing :nenau
Good to see so many of you are still here.

The part is too thin to tap, its only about 1mm, and cast. While you can poke around enough to get the nut and washer in there ( I super Glued the nut to the washer), and used an upside down 10mm ring spanner to hold it, which only just fitted, but way to get more major tools in there. I think the washers and bolt should work, as fortunately the pressure in a cooling system is not that high. Thanks for the idea though.

You are right, it's Number 5. I changed the thermostat cover (1) to an aluminium one not long after we got her, as the plastic one had a split, ironically, with Arroldite holding it together. I am now wondering what else is held/bodged with Arroldite... lol

Sent from my SM-S908B using Tapatalk
Good to see so many of you are still here.

The part is too thin to tap, its only about 1mm, and cast. While you can poke around enough to get the nut and washer in there ( I super Glued the nut to the washer), and used an upside down 10mm ring spanner to hold it, which only just fitted, but way to get more major tools in there. I think the washers and bolt should work, as fortunately the pressure in a cooling system is not that high. Thanks for the idea though.

You are right, it's Number 5. I changed the thermostat cover (1) to an aluminium one not long after we got her, as the plastic one had a split, ironically, with Arroldite holding it together. I am now wondering what else is held/bodged with Arroldite... lol

Sent from my SM-S908B using Tapatalk

Yeah I've got one of those mate, I'd drop you a PM but you're all red so you won't be ablke to see them.

I'd have to be removing it from a good engine that I was keeping as a spare but I've got a few others requestion parts off it such as a turbo and an injector pump so I can kind of justify doing it now.

You can have the part for £50+P&P if that's any good to you?
I chucked one of them in the skip at work last week :doh
Luckily it's not been emptied yet and i can still see it to pull it back out.
Nothing wrong with it, was just one of them parts that never seems to sell.
I have been having a clear out and as that's not moved for a couple of years it went in the throw in skip tub.
Not bothered about anything for it.
Just cover postage and it's yours:thumb2
Ohhh, that would be great Elty, I'll stick it in the garage and hope I don't need it. Lol. So please rescue it, and I'll have it off you.

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