how did you first find this club

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Like most on here found the place looking for something else. 8)
As for paying £10 a year to tell the truth we pay alot more on other forums (upto £25 a year) with the toyota, so it's not alot to say what you all have saved us with the help given.


Forgot to say, thanks to here got our R reg Mav for £200 :lol:
i found this club was getting chinese takeaway in my town and this funny bloke knocked on my window and gave me a card said have a look so i did then went on my first rally then my second, third fourth its a brilliant club and its the first site i go on when i come home from work then i look in every hour or so depends what i doing
run a maverick 2.7 td swb
found it a great site well worth a tenner
i personally would pay 20 quid a year to remain a member!!!

Newbie to the club. Joined on the recommend of HB and Sweety who both gave me good advice on Difflock.

Was a little worried at first about paying £10, but had looked in a few times as a non-member, and then started to think that I was missing out on something ! :lol:

I'm still a member of The DOC, which is £20 per year, and I still attend the Monthly Pub Meets, (the Mav goes down a storm !).

Would like to find out about "Meets" in my area, and the process of attaching photo's simplified, without the need to link to a gallery.

I've been on here everyday, reading past posts etc., and catching up on Chez Nissan !

Overall, a friendly, informative club. Long may it continue.

this is my second post on this subject .
as some of you know I havent run my Terrano for nearly a year.
I run a l r Discovery so not a lot of info available on here for me .
So why do I stay a member and come back most nights.
this site has a camaradary you would struggle to find elseware.
plus the topics posted make good reading.and sometimes i can even help
I am a member of some l r forums as well but spend nearly all of my time on here .
The terrano not sure what to do with it yet ,but just may turn into an off roader one day if money allows .
Would it not be beneficial to move this post to the Testimonials section of the site. That way folk that are looking to join could see what we all think of it and how great value for money it is! Might encourage folk that are wondering if its value for money to join.
I was told about this site by Mav and he told if I don't join he'll come and let my tyres down. And he said he wouldn't by me a tea at the teabar.....::nenau
my memory is not what it was, well no to be honest its never been very good!

but i do remember searching for stuff to do with auto hubs i think, and getting in touch with Shark1e and then I met up with a few others at a few events including Mav, and it has been a great place for me.

I don't have a Nissan 4x4 anymore but I remain a member for the fun and friendship, I have suzuki 4x4's and paid for a membership of a suzuki forum, but i never visit it and sill come on here instead, it is the only forum i really use and intend to stay on for as long as they put up ith me!

Thanks to everyone but particularly Shark1e, Mav and of course more recently Bat21, for a great club and a great site, as of course this club is more than just this forum!
Used to have a Pajero and was a member of POCUK, so it was natural to look for a Nissan 4x4 site when I got the T2 in January, actually joined a little before I got it to check potential problems etc. Great move,money well spent and I have already got more than my money's worth. Pity I can't get to the UK as often as I'd like, then I could wind you all up in person but don't worry ,if I am travelling across I will let you know. Likely places would be Wales,East Mids or maybe even Perth or Wigtown up in Scotland.
Used to have a Pajero and was a member of POCUK, so it was natural to look for a Nissan 4x4 site when I got the T2 in January, actually joined a little before I got it to check potential problems etc. Great move,money well spent and I have already got more than my money's worth. Pity I can't get to the UK as often as I'd like, then I could wind you all up in person but don't worry ,if I am travelling across I will let you know. Likely places would be Wales,East Mids or maybe even Perth or Wigtown up in Scotland.

if your ever in the east midlands you will have to give me a shout.
I see you`ve paid your tenner Colin:thumb2, About time too yer tight git.

Still gonna let yer tyres down when i`m next in Fowlers yard.

Take care and dont forget to carry your foot pump:naughty.

Regards, Mav.
Hey Pajo, if you make it to sunny wales at all give Team Wales a shout:sly
You know it makes sense:naughty

Thanks Pete, I certainly will. The other half is going to Wales at the end of the month, girly few days with my mate's wife. They are travelling from Burton on Trent to Maes-Y-Pandy and probably going to hit the coast from there.
Well worth joining.....

Well I finally did it,

I found the site from a listing on ebay for spring raisers and found the site did the try before you buy bit :augie Cant fault it, you Guys and Gals are all doing a great job. I feel proud to be a part of it.

I have only had my 2.7 LWB Mav for just over a year, found it fun for towing my little caravan. Enjoy using it to go shooting too...

Hope to get more out of being a full member now, SO DO NOT DISTURB :lol just going to read up on all the bits that I couldn't get to before and place some adverts etc....

Thanks again...:bow
i am a member of a Mazda MX6 forum. when looking to buy my Mav or Terrano, i simply typed in maverick owners into google, and its the top link! yay, love it!