Hello All & A little help required please

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New member
Jan 27, 2018
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Hi All my names Fiona or Ogg as hubby & now pretty much ALL his mates call me! (Long story lol :lol ), I thought I’d come & join you guys & pay the £10 for the full membership access as I’ve read some great things on the threads that are available to view via Google so decided you guys seemed well worth £10 & seemed like the best group to request help from in my quest to fix, (ok that’s a bit of a white lie, :lol honest answer: is to provide my darling hubby with the info to fix my Terrano II for me :lol as I’d honestly manage to blow the whole truck up! :rolleyes: As when I break something I somehow manage :nenau to go all out & break it properly! :lol - my excuse is I’m only a girl! :p :stupid :roflol: - Hehehe Thought I’d admit it now )

I will post my question in the correct section in the hope someone maybe able to help me on my little mission I’ve set myself :kissy
Thank you all in advance for any advice you may be able to offer xxxx
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Welcome Ogg, don’t say only a girl you’re just as capable as anyone else. I’ve answered your other post before seeing this one. You are right about this place, saved me loads over the years and made some good friends.

Don’t worry your truck will be sorted soon enough I’m sure.

Keep posting on here, it’ll be great to hear you’ve fixed your truck.