I did my car yesterday...
When we got the new (to us) caravan, it had a couple of white marker lights down on the front bottom corners. These were not very nice, as they were full of green algae, and where the water had got into them, the LED bulbs I had put in them had started to rust and made bits of the lens brown...
I took them off to see if I could clean them up and seal them, but they were so horrible, I decided to replace them with some much nicer white LED reflectors.
Being a hoarder, I kept the capless bulb holders as they clipped in using a bayonet type fitting like yours, but had 1/4" spade terminals to attach the wires too, and were still OK. Unfortunately, I had put them somewhere safe in the garage... Yesterday, while looking for something else that was also safely stashed in the garage I came across them, so fitted them while they were to hand.
I also got some nice LED bulbs off of Ebay, which I have fitted to both cars, front and back, which are just the right brightness to show up, but do not flood out the brake light, and as front side lights are almost Day Light Running lights.