First venture with a Terrano, the first one I bought went back to the dealer within a week , it leaked like a seive and was a rot box with NO advisories on the MOT! Now I've found a good one I hope, W Reg 2.7 SE+ .I've been a jeep man for years, years of trouble free fun, until recently, the electronics got the better of me on a mint XJ , so no more MOPAR, unless I find a wizard to fix it, can't put up with no proper diagnostics, Chrysler suck. I use 4x4 for towing mainly and am sooo impressed with the Terrano. I have a few problems with it that I hope to be able to solve from the knowledge base here, fingers crossed.
The one I have was only used for stop start commuting by a lady who had it for 12 years, so it got a shock when I started using it, fuel system issues I think so am using Lucas additive and hoping i'll blow the sludge out over time ( thats the advice I have had so far) , central locking doesn't function properly which doesn't bother me other than that I can't open the back door as yet and that has to be solved, and a bonkers instrument cluster that can be fixed for 80 quid or so. Onward and upward
The one I have was only used for stop start commuting by a lady who had it for 12 years, so it got a shock when I started using it, fuel system issues I think so am using Lucas additive and hoping i'll blow the sludge out over time ( thats the advice I have had so far) , central locking doesn't function properly which doesn't bother me other than that I can't open the back door as yet and that has to be solved, and a bonkers instrument cluster that can be fixed for 80 quid or so. Onward and upward