hello from sunny norfolk (and my 4x4 problems)

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not giving up yet

i do take mine off road quite a bit so you do tend to break more things on them when you put them through their paces :smile: this latest one ive got has been fine so far(apart from clutch release bearing)mainly cosmetic things i have broke on this one but i wouldn't change it for the world.the last one had a bad case of tin worm :? and then the engine died so i just gave up,but not without giving a good fight. :wink:
No tin worm on mine yet :smile: :| 8O :roll:
Overall interia and body good :smile:

although do you have a rear screen de-mister switch that might fit mine :idea: :?: 1995. also lots of bits if yours fits mine.
Really sorry your breaking it but if its giving new life to another :smile:
Good luck with the new one :wink:
They grow on you dont they :lol: :lol: :wink:
Yes please Sweety
Looking for lots of bits but thought my terano might be dead.
Rear driver side ( off side) lens cover to add to the list.
I do not have a breakers yard within 100 miles of me so thats great news.
Thank you soo much
Hi Willow can you PM me a list of bit you want & i'll get a price of all the bits you need & let you know as there is a chance ebay could be cheaper but you never know :roll:
rear light

if its the one in the bumper its a complete light unit,which i have got,not got the rear de mister switch though.
thanks elty
It is the one in the bumper mine is a 1995 will it fit :?:
also rear seats the 6th and 7th I have them but the fixing to the floor is bent on the passenger side. :?: :idea:
terrano parts

as far as i can see the light units are the same.have also found a rear de-mister switch(forgot ive got a walnut center dash to fit and all the switches are still in it)will pm you a couple of photo's for you to compare.
i also use this place for spareshttp://www.nissanpartsgateway.co.uk/
p.s have also got the rear seat mounting brackets
Hello all
Thanks for the reply
Jim yes it is the switch it wont click on and no light showing just flopping about.
Thanks elton will look out for the pm and thanks for the parts link very helpful :smile:
Also Electric arieal motor is working but ariel is not going up and down,
any ideas will post this in the electrical section many thanks again.
Took the terrano up to the top field this morning to feed the pigs and we did'nt get stuck -dance- :lol: :smile:
My switch doesn't push and latch down and I'm guessing they are not meant to. The light bulbs inside the switches do go, does it def not clear mist from the window or are you assuming it's buggered.

Try squirt WD40 around the telescopic part of the aerial. The original Nissan telescopic bits ran up and down with a long bit of plastic with teeth, the motor used to wind the platic teeth in and out. I just can't remember exactly how to remove the telescopic bit but I'm guessing a replacement would be pots of money anyway. Might be easier to replace if the WD40 doesn't work.

Thanks Jim will give wd40 a go
No the rear screen does not demist :(
Il have another go though just to be sure its not me :lol:

hi willow ... looks like i missed all the fun, your all fixed up now and playing in the mud ...

see told ya , just the little probs now

oh and what luck at the garage... do you mind if i bring my truck along for you to get fixed, next time it goes wrong ... whats your secret to getting a friendly garage

if they are good we should start a list of nice garages so you can find a friendly face on your county or country ... when something hits the fan (another good idea for mav to work on )
Hi Extreme
Yes all up and running been playing in the mud :smile: just hope it stays like it :lol:
The garage felt sorry for me I think :roll: :cry: and they have been the best. Good idea about listing good garages how about it Mav :?:
Thanks again hope to meet up with some of you next year and try some laneing sounds like fun to me -mex- -cheers-
willow said:
Hi Extreme
Yes all up and running been playing in the mud :smile: just hope it stays like it :lol:
The garage felt sorry for me I think :roll: :cry: and they have been the best. Good idea about listing good garages how about it Mav :?:
Thanks again hope to meet up with some of you next year and try some laneing sounds like fun to me -mex- -cheers-

im in ... and looking forward to it all
:oops: OK
Back again :(
After takeing the terrano off road and into 4 wheel drive all seemed well
Reversed to get it out of 4x4 and drove down a track and parked up.
Today went off to work on the roads and got a short way down the road and a noise hard to describe was comming from the front wheels :roll: 8O I stopped and reversed to be sure it was out of 4x4 gear and drove on but the noise came back stopped again and moved the 4x4 gear knob about and back into 2 wheel drive position drove on and all was quiet for awhile up to 40 then the noise came back slowed down and knocked it out of gear and the noise was still there seems to be comming from the front wheels :?: Anyone had this happen :?:
Many thanks
Was it similar to the clicking noise that kids make with lolly sticks in the spokes of their bikes?
Mine used to do that and eventually turned out to be one of the hubs, these can get hot!!! Mine really got hot as it was smoking once. As a temp fix I removed the brake ring from that hub. One thing to note about the hubs and 4wd is that once the lever is back to 2wd it doesn't matter if the hubs are still locked as there is then no connection between front and back axles. You just have to keep the speed down but more often than not the hubs would unlock them selves anyway. I sometimes lock my manuals to give the transfer box and shafts a work out. When I suspect I may need 4wd I lock my hubs and then simply slip in and out of 4wd as needed. Sorry I'm rambling on about manuals again, must be my age :oops:

Jim T
ok well... now it works. i would probably strip them and give them a good greese up. or inspect the rings etc...

but this could just be grit or dirt in the brakes or something

please describe the noise

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