Ohhh no...
to be honest though, it may just have been all the extra use from bleeding the clutch and it was actually the slave cylinder that was pulling in the air in the first place.
When I first started driving, my car which was about 20 years old, was a bit of a mechanical state, and the brake fluid was in a right state, probably not changed in a very very long time, if ever. When I got it, the rear brakes were seized and not working, so while changing the rear cylinders, and doing a full service I changed the brake fluid as well. It was a Black/Brown sludge, and was so thick, I had to take the bleed nipples out, as it kept clogging them up.
I set to bleeding the brakes, but could not get the air out, and had to give up until I could talk to my dad, as I thought I was doing something wrong. When he looked, I had killed the master cylinder while bleeding. It turned out that the unused bit of the Master cylinder had corroded and was really rough, so while bleeding, I was using the whole cylinder including the bit that does not normally get used at the bottom where the roughness was, and it took out the seal.
I wonder if as your fluid was in such a state, if your slave was as bad.
Interesting you don't have the damper pipe on that model, or from the sounds of it, the extra bleed nipple on the master cylinder either, at least you know it was not either of them causing the problem:augie.
You can see mine, ringed in red.